Amber Alert

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" Nik, Dani,Boys" she says smiling at all four of us.

" I'm sorry, I'm being rude. My name is Amber, i'm an old friend of these two" she says pointing one gun at us and one at the boys. " Roy sends his regards, at least it think that's what he said right before i killed him. You guys really should pick better friends."

" took you long enough Amber, i was starting to think you lost your touch." i say keeping her attention on me.

" yeah well,i was hungry, what can i say? You know as well as i do, this job has no retirement plan, there's only one way out.

" is that what the money is for Amber? To kill all of us?"

" Why don't you ask Dani, she was the one originally hired to kill you. Blue is a very smart man, he knew she wouldn't go through with it because of the friendship you two had. Hell i'd shoot her for free after i found out she slept with Bouboo."

" I did you a favor, trust me." green said laughing.

" And the guy in the bushes?"

" Consider him a greeting, to let you know i was thinking about you."

" How sweet of you, you could have just called."

" Excuse me, Amber is it? You are the one that did this to Patro?" Larry asks, holding what's left of his bear.

" And you killed my best friend Roy, yes?" Lau asks in a quite,almost child-like voice.

" So what if i did?"

Suddenly Larry jumps up and kicks the gun closes to him out of her hand, Lau grabs the other hand but not before it goes of, just missing slides across the floor. Larry head butts amber and you hear a loud,cracking sound. she hits the ground, blood all over her face,nose clearly broken. She gives Larry a sadistic smile that would send chills down anyone's spine.

" you gotta do better than that pretty boy, let me show you." She jumps up&head butts him right back, he hits the floor as she spins and kicks Lau hard in the face, he goes flying against the wall.

" You crazy bitch!!" Larry say's, holding his bleeding mouth.

" What did you call me??" She says, getting ready to finish him off.

" He called you a crazy bitch." i say. She turns towards us, right before green&i let off a few rounds from her own guns.

" lets go, NOW!!" I yell, stepping over Ambers body.

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