Don't Leave

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~ No one's POV ~

"Are you serous?!"  Claire said laughing.

Niall kept laughing as Louis told the story.

"Then after that's when Harry fell!"

Everyone around started laughing. After the laughter store died down, Claire began to get thirsty. 

"I'll be back"

Before Claire could go, Niall grabbed her hand.  "Where you going??"  He questioned.

"Going to get juice, you guys want something?"

"I'm fine, thank you"  Niall replied  "Can you bring me some wah-tah?"  Louis asked,


Before Claire could leave, Niall spotted paparazzi. He then grabbed her hand again and pulled her down. He placed a kiss on her lips. 

"Sorry, Paps"  He whispered

She smiled.  "It's fine,"  She then placed another kiss on his lips.  "Yo!!"  Cameron said with a face that could kill. The two laughed. Niall then smiled and watched as Claire walked away and out of sight.

As Claire made her way through the crowd, she finally got to the drinks. She then went to the  table with water. She got one for Louis, then began to look for one for herself. 

Fruit punch was no where to be seen, and since it wasn't, Claire was upset. She looked and looked but just couldn't seem to find it. She then began to give, but before she could walk away, she felt something cold in her hand.

She then saw a can of fruit punch. She turned around to thank whoever it was and when she did, all she saw was the back of Nash's head walking away. Without a word she turned around and began to make her way back to Cameron and the rest of the boys.

As Nash made his way around the people fast as possible. He couldn't help but think of her. He knew that she loved fruit punch. They may not be together but what's the point of being rude? He loves Katie more than anything, but Claire just brings back memories. 


"Thanks Love"  Louis told Claire as she handed him his water

"Yep"  She said sitting down.

As everyone continued to talk, Claire stayed quiet. She leaned on Niall's shoulder and just listened to the stories that were being told. Meanwhile, Cameron couldn't help but notice his sister was quiet and he needed to find out what the reason was.

"Hey, I'm going to go get some food, Claire can you help me?"  Cameron asked


She then stood up and followed after him. Once they were out of sight, Cameron pulled Claire's hand.

"What is wrong with you???"

"What? What are you talking-"

"You came back upset. There's a reason and what is it? Because once I find out-"

"You know what, don't act like you don't know. Okay Cameron?! I'm tired of being lied too!" 

"What are you talking-"

"You know you're a seriously good actor! Because if I didn't know, I would of thought you didn't know Nash's here."

His jaw dropped, Claire then got out of his grip and went back to the table. Standing there shocked he tried to go follow after her but interviewers came to him. As she got back to the table, she grabbed her phone then spoke.

"I'm leaving, I'm sorry guys."  "What??"  Niall questioned.  "I know that this is your guys night, but I have to go.. I'm so sorry"  "Wait, Claire!"  Niall said as he stood up.


"Why are you leaving?!"

The boys shouted. But before Claire could hear them she ran through the crowd, as she was going Niall followed right behind her. Forgetting the fact that he had a broken foot, Niall finally caught up and grabbed her arm.

"Claire, what's wrong??"

"Niall it's nothing-"


She then looked him in the eyes and saw that he wanted to know.

She then began speaking.  "It's just.. Nash.. He's.. Here."

He then looked at her  "Claire.. Don't worry about him. Please don't leave.. Please don't let him come in the way.."

She then looked at him, noticing his reaction didn't change, she then knew; Knowing he can't lie, she confronted him.

"You knew he was here didn't you?.."

His face became soft and scared.  "Claire-"

"I can't believe you Niall!!"

"No listen to me Claire, I swear I.."

As the two continued to talk, Niall knew that Claire didn't want to spend time here, if Nash was here. As Claire still wanting to leave, Niall couldn't let her. As they were talking people started to surround them.

"Claire.. Stop..People are noticing.."

She then looked and noticed some paps slowly walking over.

"I want to leave."  She whispered

Niall then rolled his eyes. But then thought of something.  "Then we're going with you."

Her eyes became wide  "What??"

"Come on"

He took her hand then they went back to the table.

"Lads we're leaving"


"Don't we have an interview with Simon?"  Harry asked

"Don't you guys have a meeting after?"   Cameron questioned

"Forge all that, come on guys."

Without a word, everyone stood up not questioning anything.

"And where exactly are we going??"  Liam asked

"Well I'm leaving that one up to Louis."  Niall said throwing his arm over Claire and Louis' shoulder.

Louis then smiled.  "Well.. What are we waiting for boys?"


"And you're sure that we won't get in trouble??"  Claire asked Louis

"Of course not Love"  He then helped her up and over. He then jumped over with her.

"I mean.. If we don't get caught"


"Hey hey hey!! It's Louis!! LOU-EH!"

"Ugh,"  He laughed and hugged her. She then slowly smiled.

"There's the pretty smile."

He then kissed her cheek then went to the rest of the boys.

"Hey Claire! Come here!"  Kayla shouted.

As she walked over to Kayla and Cameron, she couldn't believe what she saw.


Heyyyy hoped you guys liked it!! 

So how's the No One's POV part? Do you like it? Or should I just do Claire's, Niall's, etc? Or no one's? Or both??

Comment below! And Also the person will be coming in soon. Because we're still playing that game. Anyways. Love you guys!!


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