Let's Go Have Fun

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Well I'm writing a new story, but I'm pretty sure non of you care, but for that 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000003 % who care. It's gonna be posted right after I post this. So.. Yeah :)

~ No One's POV ~

Claire sat there with her legs on top of Niall's lap as she ate a pizza. Nash laid down with his head on Katie's lap, eating his pizza. They all were talking and hanging out as if nothing was awkward. 

"I'm just saying, if I had too, If I had too. I would probably kill Trump over what's-her name. But to be totally honest, I would kill both."  Nash spoke.

Everyone was laughing until Niall's phone began ringing. 

"Hello?"  He answered.  "Oh Hey Harry. No? Oh no it's in Liam's room. Why not? Tomorrow? Ugh, Alright, I'll be there in 10. Okay, bye"  He hung up then looked down at Claire. 

"You're leaving."  She said.  "Sadly."  She pouted then sat up. "Why? It's only-"

"12 in the morning."

"Jesus, it's late."  She said shocked.

"Yeah, I'll be over sometime tomorrow though."

"Okay"  Everyone said or nodded. Niall stood up then leaned over and kissed Claire's cheek. "Later beautiful"  He said  "Bye N."

"Later guys"  

"Bye Niall!"  Katie said  "Later dude"  Nash spoke after.

Niall then walked out, closed the door then was off. 

"I have to take a shower."

"Your towel is on my bed, just washed it."

"Okay, I'll be back guys"

Claire and Nash nodded in reply. Katie then made her way upstairs, to the shower. Leaving Nash and Claire alone.

Claire was on her phone as she continued to eat her food. Nash then looked at her and smiled. He then threw his body across the couch and over to her. 

"Hello!"  He spoke happily. "Hello!"  She said in reply.

"What are you doing tomorrow?"

"Hmm.. Let me check.. Oh yeah, falling asleep while watching Friends. Kinda busy"

He then pouted.  "Bummer.."

She giggled then poked his nose. "What's up?"

"Nothing.. Katie's aunt wants to visit with her. She lives like an hour away so she's gonna be with her for a few days. So....."

"You wanna not be bored tomorrow?"

"Pretty much."

She laughed  "Yeah, we could hang out. Cameron is taking Kay out anyways so I won't have anything to do either."

"Great, how's 12?"  He asked while laying on his stomach.

"Perfect."  She agreed.

"Alright cool."

They continued to talk for awhile until Katie got out of the shower.

"Nash..?"  Katie called out from the stairs.

"Coming honey."  He said sitting up.

"Honey? What are you 50?"  Claire joked.

He laughed and threw a pillow at her.  "Nah, she just likes being called that."

She smirked  "Okay well good night"  She said

"Night Dallas"

Nash then stood up and walked upstairs. Claire sat there and started thinking, how come Katie is choosing her own name? She never told Nash to call her a certain name. Hmm maybe it's  just their thing? She thought. After getting bored of being on her phone, she finally went upstairs and headed to bed.

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