You're My Girlfriend?

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Did you let your mother read the note? I said 'Yes. I. Did.' She said 'Well what did your mother say?' I took a deep breath, I looked at my friends, I was like:

'It's. About. To. Go. Down.'

~ Kevin Hart


~ Claire's POV ~

"Babe.. Sweetie.. Wake up."

I moaned, and began hitting the air.  "Come on babe.. We're gonna go eat Breakfast."

I moaned again.  "Come on. We got a meeting in three hours you gotta take a shower, we're gonna eat, then we gotta go."

I finally screamed as I stretched, then sat up. I wiped my eyes, and saw someone shirtless standing there with their back towards me, looking in the drawers. I rolled my eyes and laid back down, hugging my pillow.

"Why are you shirtless and looking threw my drawers?"  I asked Niall.  "I thought I hung your shirts up in my closet for when you spent the night."

"Well.. We kinda made this my drawer awhile ago. I slept with you, and it got hot last night so I took my shirt off, and I'm pretty sure I live here so..."

My eyes slowly opened. I then noticed.. He doesn't have an accent? I sat up and turned around and saw.. Nash.. Putting his shirt on.

"Geez.. I know I'm hot, but don't make it so obvious."



"Wait.. Why are you in my room??"

"What are you talking about??"

"Nash, you legit hated me yesterday."

"What are you talking about?"


"Babe, I couldn't love you more."


"Anyways.. You have to take a shower, I'm gonna go make sure everyone is getting ready. So.. That's yours."  He said giving me my towel as he walked over. He then kissed me.  "That's mine. And I will see you in a bit."

My jaw was on the floor. I couldn't believe what just happened.

I quickly got out of bed, and ran downstairs. I then saw Cameron talking to Matt.

"Uh,heyMatt,CanIBorrowCamForASec?Thanks!"  I then grabbed his arm and yanked him to the hallway.



"It's Nash!"

"What did he do??"  He said sounding concerned.

"He kissed me!"

His face then fell. "Uh.. Okay? What's the problem?"

"Are you kidding me? He kissed me!"

"And....? He's your boyfriend?"


Before Cameron could say anything, Nash came over.

"Hey Cam, Johnny needs you to call him. And you, you're still not in the shower?"  He said pulling my waist and tried to kiss me.

Key Word: Tried.

"What are you doing?"  I said pushing his chest back.

"What? Can't I kiss my girlfriend?"

"Uh, yeah, expect I'm not your girlfriend."

"Yeah, she came over confusing me too, so good luck."  Cameron said as he walked away.

"What are you talking about?"  Nash said

"Nash, you're with somebody."

"Yeah.. You?"

"No.. You're not!"

"Then who am I with?"


"Yo! Nash! Look!"  Matt called

We both went to the living room and saw Cameron and Matt juggling but passing each other balls they were juggling. Meaning they were juggled 6 tennis balls.

"Uh.. We were just talking."  I said as Nash stood there amused.

"Oh sorry, didn't mean to break up your little Clash moment."

"Why does everyone keep saying that?!?"

"Cause.. You guys are dating."  Matt said as they continued,

"Ugh, Nash come here!"

"Hurry Nash. Don't wanna keep the misses waiting."

Nash then flipped them off and ran back to me.


"What is going on??"

"Um.. Well.."

Nash then explained to to me for the 100th time, as I stood there not knowing what to do.


"Look, I don't know what's up with you today, but you need to get in the shower okay?"


"Come on, hurry, cause after the meeting we got plans for tonight."


"Surprises. Come on hurry."

He then kissed me and walked away. I stood there more confused then ever. I then ran upstairs, leaving everyone also confused.

I got on my phone and got on my Instagram. I then saw pictures of me and Nash that I thought were gone. I checked his and it was basically his photo shoots, him and Cam, and Him and I. I was so confused. I then shook my head. What happened???

Without a second thought, I just went and took a shower.


Sorry it's short again, but I just thought you should get that. My next update should be Monday, and if you get an update during the weekend, then SURPRISE! Haha, okay, love you guys!

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