Business Trips

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~ Claire's POV ~

2 Weeks Later

I was laying on the couch as I heard Nash saying his goodbyes to everyone. Apparently he was going to New York, so business and so Katie was staying here. Not that I'm not excited, I just don't know why I would be. I mean.. My ex-boyfriend's girlfriend getting along with his ex-girlfriend? Don't hear many stories about that.

I was upside down, and on my phone when I saw Nash coming down, with his arm around Katie and Cameron and Kayla right behind them. I smirked and rolled my eyes and went back to my phone. 

"So after this meeting, we can start planning the cities, and we can do the dates."  Cameron said. Nash nodded, but it seemed as if he wasn't paying attention cause he was a bit busy sucking Katie's face. He gave him a thumbs up, and Cameron just rolled his eyes.

After awhile, all the guys came down. 


Everyone gave their yeps, and yeahs. 

Hmm.. Let me count. 

Nash, Cameron, Jack J, Jack G, Shawn, Matt, Carter, Taylor, andddd Aaron. Yep. They're all there. 

Me and Mahogany aren't required to go, so obviously I'm staying. But I guess she wanted to go, since she was ready. 

"Alright, nine guys, one girl, one lazy girl"  Cameron said rolling his eyes. Everyone snickered as i left him a message with my finger. They all laughed again, then he went back.

"Alright well after the meeting you have to go to the airport right Nash?"

"Yes Sir!"

"Alright, well just put your bags in the car, and we'll take two. Mr. Gilinsky?"

"As always."  Gilinsky said throwing up his keys and catching them.

"Thanks. Alright we're good then."

"Okay, Kate you're good right?"

"I'm fine Nashy, just go. I'll see you next week okay?"

"Okay"  He smiled.  He then leaned down and kissed her, then everyone was off to the meeting.

"Later dork!"  Nash said jumping on the couch... Also... Causing me to fall. I rolled my eyes and laughed. 

"Later Dude, see ya next week."

He smirked then gave me a quick hug. I'm guessing since Katie was watching, he only gave me a half hug. He quickly stood up and gave her another kiss then was off. I then laid back down upside down. I then heard footsteps coming my way. I put my phone down and saw her standing there with her arms crossed. 

"Uh.. Can I help you?"

"Yes. Yes you can."

"And what might that be?"

"A Business Deal."

"As in...?"

Without saying a thing, she grabbed my legs and flipped me off the couch. Leaving me to land hard on my head and back.

"Ow! Hey! What was that for?!"  I said putting my phone under the couch.

"That was for those four years you had with Nash."

"Uh.. First of all. Clash was only two and a half years, so I suggest you go back and take that quiz again on www.I-Love-Nash-Grier-.Lame. And second, what are you talking about??"

 She rolled her eyes and sat down. Her dress went to her knees and it was such crazy colors, I swear I thought I could see Wonderland for a second. 

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