You Believe Me Right?

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~ Kian's POV ~ (< Crazy I know right, I haven't had his POV In awhile.. Aw... I miss him..:( )

"Are you alright??"

Claire slowly nodded.  "I'm fine.."

"Are you sure? What happened to your foot-"

"I'm fine Kian! Just uh.. Fell, today."

I looked at her confused as she rubbed her leg.

"Well.. Okay then. Uh, I was thinking about going out tomorrow just to go walk around. Did you wanna come?"

Her face lit up.  "Yeah!"

I smiled.  "Great. We can leave around..."

"Early???"  She said very quick.

"Oh uh Okay, how early then?"

"Um... When do you wake up?"

"Depends on when I go to sleep..?"

"Okay, uh.. Just when you wake up, wake me up- Oh but wait, what if I wake up before you?"

"Then wake me up. I'll get Jc up and then we can leave."


"Alright, great. Well I gotta go, me and Jc gotta film a video."

"Can I watch?"

"Yeah, we'll be in the video room."


I then got up and when to Jc's room and opened his door.



"Come on!"

"Where we going? And my name isn't Cj!"

"Does it matter?"


I laughed.  "Come on, we gotta film our video!"

"Oh yeah!"  He then jumped up.

"But wait! We said we were gonna have a special guest! Who's gonna come on?"

"Uh.. Well Claire said she was gonna watch so maybe she wants to be in it."

"Alright, it's gonna get messy so let her know. I'll get the camera set up."


I then left as Jc went upstairs. I went and saw Claire's door cracked open, so basically I thought she already went upstairs. I then turned around and went to the elevator. I pressed the button and waited. As I was waiting, I heard a scream. I instantly turned around and looked around. I then heard it again, I then ran to Claire's room. Before I opened it, I saw Katie on Claire's bed. 

"Why would you do that?!"

"Because maybe I like spending time with my friends! Why do you think?!"

"You have to ask me!"

"I don't have to ask you nothing! This is my life! And I don't think you have a right to- Ahh!!!"

I then saw her clutch her fist on the bed and her face look down. 

She then leaned over.  "I have a right to everything."

Claire then looked up.  "Why are you doing this?"

"Because. Because Claire. I can. I will. And I want too."

"But why? Just cause I was with Nash- Ah!"

"I told you.. Never mention his name."

"So every time I say anything you don't like you're gonna continue to shock me?!"

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