It Was Just A.. What?

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~ Claire's POV ~

"Hey.. Wake up.. Claire?"

My eyes opened to see Niall sitting on my bed. "Niall?"

"Hey, what are you- Wait.. Where's my phone???"


"Let me see my phone!"

He then passed me my phone, and I got on Instagram. The pictures.. They're not there. I sighed.

"What's wrong?"

"I just.. Bad dream.."

"Oh.. Well.. I was thinking about taking you out for breakfast. I think you need it now, seeing as if you need something to get your mind off of.. Whatever just happened"

"Yeah.. I'll be down in 15."

"Alright." He then hopped off the bed in a funny motion, then walked out, closing my door.

I giggled at him, and laid back and sighed. I can't believe I had that dream.. Hmm.. Strange.

I tried getting it off my mind and turned on some music, as I hoped in the shower.


The day went on quick. It was already 4 in the afternoon and I couldn't really comprehend where the time went. Niall and I thought it would be time to go back. We were on our way back, but I just couldn't stop thinking about my dream.

Niall was rambling on since we've been in the car, and I swear, I haven't heard a single word he said.

"And I really really like it, but it is a lot. So I was just wondering if I should actually buy it."

"Huh..? Oh uh yeah, I think it looks really nice."

"Claire? Did you even hear what I said?"

"Of course.. Your guitar you want. It looks great, get it."

"You want me to get it..? Why?"

"It looks nice...?"

"A guitar you haven't seen.." He said with a scoff, as he rolled his eyes.

"I'm sorry.. I'm just.. I'm tired, I.. Just have a lot on my mind."

"Yeah I know you do." He said as he leaned his elbow on his window, looking very upset.


"Just forget it, I didn't want the guitar that much anyways."

"Now you're mad at me.." I said putting my head down

"Mad?" His eyes widen. "Of course not." He said with a sarcastic smile.


"Forget it." He said sounding very upset now.

I put my head down and continued to look out the window as it rained.

We finally got back to the house, and I was already sick. I put my jacket on and then took my seat belt off. I then opened my door and Niall was there with an umbrella. I had a small smile, then got out. We both then walked inside. We walked in and saw Cameron with Kian and Jc whispering in the kitchen, as Nash and Katie were laughing on the couch. The boys in the kitchen looked at us as Nash and Katie looked at us as if they were in Mean Girls.

I then put my head down and began to walk away before Niall grabbed my arm and pulled me back. He then crashed his lips onto mine.

~ No One's POV ~

As Niall kissed Claire, Cameron looked away like he didn't want to see it. Kian and Jc smirked, as Nash just bit his lip and looked away pretty upset, as Katie rolled her eyes.

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