The Man in the Purple Hoodie

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I sat on the edge of the cliff, peering down into the raging waters below as the tall grass tickled my legs. It was irritating my skin, but I had more pressing matters to deal with. I was done trying to stay alive for nobody; I had no friends, a shit job, and rarely had food to eat or money to pay the bills. It was then when I heard heavy footsteps coming up behind me, my fingertips digging into the ground. The footsteps then stopped. They must have noticed me sitting there.

"Don't try to stop me." I stated blandly. It was silent for a moment before I heard a deep, rough voice reply.

"Ok." He simply stated, moving forward once more. The male had sat down next to me, his legs hanging over the edge. He had shaggy dark hair with a blank expression across his face. He was wearing a purple hoodie with a green cloud-like design on his chest, dark blue sweat pants with a white stripe down the side, and some greyish-purple sandals. Besides the creepy, dark aura, he actually looked pretty attractive.. in a weird way. He wasn't really fat, but he wasn't really an athlete either and his skin was surprisingly clear. "What are you looking at."

"Huh? Oh." I looked back down at the water, clapsing my hands in my lap. "Nothing."

"Hm. So, are you coming with me?" He said, now looking at me with a rather empty stare.

"I was planning on it, but if you don't mind me asking, why are you here?" I asked, interested in his story.

"Hmph. Why am I here?" He half-smiled and looked forward, shrugging. "Because I'm trash."

"Would you mind elaborating?" I scooted a bit closer to him, tilting my head. He didn't seem to notice.

"...Do you know what a NEET is?" He asked, tensing up a bit.

"Yeah, not in education, employment, or training. Why?"

"That's me. I'm a twenty-something year old man who still lives with my parents. Not to mention I have to deal with my brothers, who are scumbags just like me." He huffed, moving closer to the edge. "It doesn't matter if I'm gone or not, there are five other guys exactly like me. I'm just a burden. A waste of space."

"..." I remained silent, scooting away. "At least you have family who cares."

"They don't care about me."

"Well, they obviously do if they hadn't kicked you out!" My voice was a bit louder than I expected. "At least you had a roof over your head and people who supported you! I had nothing. I went out and bought this stupid dress so I'd at least look nice when they found my body, but I doubt anyone would look for me anyways." Silence. "Whatever." I said, slowly starting to slide off before I felt a hand grab my sleeve. I snapped my head back to look at him, his expression was still blank, but there was something about the way he looked at me that made me feel like I was making a mistake. I didn't care... Ignoring the feeling, I growled and struggled to escape his grip, but he would not let go. "What the hell is your problem-?!"

"Ichimatsu!!" The sudden voice of someone else caused the man to flinch and loosen his grip on my arm. Now's my chance, I thought as I began scooting towards the edge.

"Hey, wait! Stop!" Shouted one of five other men who had ran forward to pull me away from the edge. What the hell? They all looked exactly like that other guy. This one was wearing a green hoodie with a dark green cloud design on it. Were these his brothers? "You almost fell off, miss!"

"Go away, Fappymatsu.." The one in purple growled. The one in green was about to retaliate before being interrupted by someone else.

"Nii-san, what are you doing out here!" The one in yellow exclaimed, earning only a sharp "tch" in return. I felt someone grab me and pick me up with a stifled huff.

"Wow, you feel like you haven't eaten in a while. How about you come with us? We can all go to Chibita's stand!" His voice was rather breathy like he had been running. Then again, so did everyone else besides the one in yellow. This man was in a red hoodie with, of course, the green cloud.

"Good idea, Osomatsu nii-san!" The one in pink giggled. "Ichimatsu nii-san didn't tell us he had a girlfriend~"

"She's not my.." Ichimatsu started, being cut off by the one in blue.

"Oh, ho, ho! Congratulations, brother~" He spoke with a smooth, deep tone. It sounded as fake as his blue, sparkly jeans.

"Shut up, Shittymatsu. She isn't my girlfriend, you idiots." He snapped, standing up with a quiet grunt. So there's Osomatsu, Ichimatsu.. Fappymatsu.. Shittymatsu? Who were the other two?

"You're being pretty quiet, lady. Haven't you ever seen sextuplets before?" The one in red smirked, setting me down on my feet.

"S-sextuplets?! Do you have any idea-" I started, being cut off once again.

"How rare it is? We know, we get it all the time." Osomatsu snickered. "So are you coming with us, uh.."


"What a beautiful name for such a beautiful Karam- OW!" When I looked over, the one in blue was holding the back of his head with Ichimatsu standing next to him, glaring daggers at Shittymatsu. What kind of name is Shittymatsu, anyways? Then again, his brother was named Fappymatsu.

"Sorry about him, he's painful. Anyways, are you going to come eat with us?" Osomatsu asked again, a hopeful smile on his face.

"I.. um..." I looked back towards the cliff, pursing my lips. "I guess I could-"

"Great!" Osomatsu had a wide grin plastered on his facs, locking his arm with yours. "You're going to love this place, it has the best oden in the world!"

"I'll catch up later." Ichimatsu mumbled as he began to shuffle back towards the cliff. The one in yellow seemed to disapprove as he bounded over and lifted Ichimatsu up, carrying him along as he squirmed and mumbled insults at his brother. So much for dying. Maybe after I lost these guys...

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