Weekend Plans

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Huh? Where am I?.. Ah, my back feels so stiff.. I opened my eyes a bit, having to keep them squinted for a few moments due to the sudden brightness. I guess I had passed out on the floor trying to make sure that odd furry guy didn't get me. I sat up and stretched my limbs, letting out a small groan as I did. I heard faint whispers coming from the stairwell, keeping quiet so I could hear bits of the conversation.

"She's up-"

"Are you ready?"

"Do I have to do this-"

"Shut it, Darkmatsu."


And with that, they all piled out of the entrance in a row and were standing in front of me in a row. I was about to say something, but they had struck some weird pose with one leg bent and an arm lifted with their hand forming a 6 shape.

"I figured we should properly introduce ourselves given that we hadn't last night. I am Osomatsu, the eldest brother."

"I am Karamatsu, the second brother." He winked slyly,

"I am Choromatsu, the third brother!"

"I'm Ichimatsu, the fourth brother. Not like I really needed to say that.." He rolled his eyes, mumbling the last part.

"Jyushimatsu! I'm the fifth brother! Muscle, muscle! Hustle, hustle!" He was bouncing up and down slightly in his stance.

"And I'm Todomatsu, the youngest brother!" He was smiling smugly. I looked at them sleepily, blinking the tiredness from my eyes as I tried my best to sound like I cared.

"Oh, thanks for finally telling me your names." That came out a little more sarcastic than I had originally intended it to. They all stopped posing and laughed, except for Ichimatsu of course. He was still glaring at me, what else is new.

"Hey, we saved you some pears if you'd like to have some," Choromatsu smiled. "You slept in a little late though, so they aren't as fresh.. but I'm sure they'll still taste alright!" I wasn't too fond of pears, but I guess it wouldn't hurt to-

"Oh, those were for (Y/N)? My bad." Osomatsu smiled innocently, rubbing his nose with his index finger. Now I kind of wanted the fruit. "We could find her something else to eat."

"I would be more than okay with taking her-" Karamatsu started, once again being cut off as if he were invisible. I felt kinda bad for this guy, but it didn't seem to bother him all that much.

"How about we go to Sutabaa?" Todomatsu shrugged. "I'm sure they've forgotten what you idiots pulled." They all exchanged looks and shrugged. Except for Ichimatsu and Karamatsu. Wasn't Sutabaa that high class coffee shop?

"Sure, I wouldn't mind going." I forced a warm smile on my face, seeing some of the boys lighten up.

As we set out, I noticed that two of the brothers were not with us. "Hey, where are your brothers?"

"M-Maybe we should just leave them be," Osomatsu answered quickly, a nervous chuckle following his words. I was rather skeptical, but continued onward to the cafe without another word.

It's been nearly an hour since you arrive at the cafe and there was still no sign of the others. I were kind of worried, which was odd since I had literally just met them, but something just kept gnawing at my thoughts. The brothers tried to chat me up, Jyushimatsu had even offered to share some of his parfait with me. I was rather hungry, so I accepted his offer and stole a few bites.

"Isn't is sweet, (Y/N)-chan?" He asked loudly, his smile as broad as ever.

"Mmhm!" I smiled back, my mouth full of the dessert. "Thank you, Jyushimatsu." He nodded and continued eating, Osomatsu now tapping my shoulder for attention.

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