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(Reader's P.O.V)

"Sorry if we woke you up, dear brother.. (Y/N) heard something and wanted to check on you," Karamatsu said, leaning against the door frame. "Do you want to join us downstairs?"

"Maybe later," Ichimatsu said, his voice sounding more calm than when we first came up.

"If you insist. Shall we, my flower?" Karamatsu looked at me with a smirk, making me giggle softly.

"Yeah. Feel free to join us, Ichimatsu," I smiled at him.

"Tch.." He looked pissed, so Kara quickly slid the door closed and led me downstairs.

"(Y/N), I want to talk to you," Karamatsu whispered, making sure the living room door was closed and his time turning serious. I swallowed and became anxious, knowing he was going to ask me about why I did what I did. "Ichimatsu has been acting.. different."

"What?" I was shocked. What did he mean different? Why wasn't he asking me about the outburst?

"Shh, he might hear," he mumbled sharply, guiding me to the sofa. "It started when you first came around. He started becoming more involved and willing to do things. I caught him smiling to himself in the corner, like he was thinking about something. When you were in the hospital, he was freaking out. He became more aggressive than I'd seen him. He almost choked Choromatsu to death because he told him to calm down. He refused to do go out unless it was to visit you, even though he knew they would deny him. Ichi would resort to begging the nurses. I haven't seen it, but I know I've heard him crying in the dead of the night when everyone was asleep." I was speechless. Kara inhaled shakily, continuing his words. "I know it may seem like he hates you, (Y/N).. He just has a hard time expressing his feelings. I think you should talk to him."

"I don't know-"

"When you're ready," Karamatsu added, smiling genuinely. He gently grabbed my hand with his warm one, squeezing it to comfort me.

"Thank you, Karamatsu.." I smiled, gently squeezing his hand in return. I can't believe I almost lost these guys. They were so nice to me.. They'd never..

"We're home!" I heard Osomatsu call from outside. Karamatsu hesitantly released my hand and allowed me to scoot away, a faint expression of annoyance in his eyes. The eldest brother opened the door and looked at us, gasping as he saw me. "(Y-Y/N)?"

"(Y/N)?" I heard Choromatsu ask before peeking in behind Osomatsu.

"(Y/N), why haven't you been letting us visit you at the hospital? And why are you in here with Shittymatsu? Are you okay?" Osomatsu started spouting questions too quickly for me to answer while Choromatsu slowly stepped in, leaving the door open.

"We missed you, (Y/N)-chan," Choromatsu said, smiling shyly. "It was kind of boring without having you around.."

"Yeah, I had nobody interesting to talk to about myself," Osomatsu winked, rubbing under his nose.

"Mm, it's nice to have you here now," Karamatsu spoke up, his smile returning.

"I agree," someone else had stated, but it was barely audible. Everyone looked at the doorway. Ichimatsu was leaning against the door frame, peering in with his usual stoic expression before entering. I smiled upon seeing him even though he just went and sat in his usual corner.

"Hey, where's Todomatsu?" I asked, noticing the pink matsu was nowhere to be found.

"Oh, he should be here any minute," Osomatsu's smile turned devilish, lifting his hoodie to reveal a pink smartphone in his pants.

"He's going to kill you," Choromatsu said, rolling his eyes as he took a seat next to me. Osomatsu just giggled and sat near my feet. He was so adorable when he laughed.

"Hey Ichimatsu, come join us," I said, now looking at the lone sextuplet. He glanced over and shrugged, scooting about a foot away from the wall. "I meant like, come over h-"

"Don't.. I don't want you to get hurt," Choromatsu whispered to me urgently, looking serious. "He almost killed me.." I looked at Ichimatsu, who somehow looked even sadder as he scooted back into his corner and glared at the wall beside him. I'd elbow Choro if it wouldn't cause so much pain to me..

After a few minutes of chatting, I heard the front door slam open. "YOU BASTARDS, I KNOW YOU HAVE IT!" I heard Todomatsu screech from outside, causing Osomatsu to flinch. The second door flew open to reveal a face that I simply could not describe. He was biting his lip but also frowning intensely, his eyes looking like they were about to pop out of their sockets. Todo was locked onto Osomatsu, apparently not even noticing me until Karamatsu spoke up.

"Brother, don't you think fighting in the presence of a lady is inappropriate?" Todomatsu averted his gaze to look at Kara, but then finally noticed me. A faint blush spread across his face.

"(Y-Y/N)-chan, you're alright! Oh, but you have that ugly cast thingy.. I can make it look as cute as you if you want!" He giggled, apparently forgetting about his phone. Did I really mean that much? Maybe he just dropped the subject for now.

"Heh, I could help~" Karamatsu winked.

"That sounds nice, you two,." I smiled and looked between the two. "It's.. really nice to be back here.." I sighed, feeling terrible about what I did.

"Don't worry, (Y/N).. We understand," Choro comfortingly rubbed my back.

"Yeah, we knew you didn't mean it," Osomatsu leaned back a bit as he spoke, adjusting his seating as not to reveal the phone.

"Eh? Where's Jyushimatsu nii-san?" Todomatsu asked, looking around.

"Baseball practice," I answered, feeling partially upset that he wasn't here but also happy because I didn't want to risk harm from his bone-breaking hugs.

"He should be home soon," Ichimatsu spoke up, still looking at the wall. "He comes home around sundown." Out of all the brothers, I think Ichimatsu cares about Jyushi the most. At least he cares about someone..

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