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I'd been a few days since I got out and I'd spent most of that time with the Matsunos, but I was always going over to their house. I mean, my apartment wasn't exactly something I'd want to show off, but I figured they'd like a change of scenery. It was a Thursday when I called them up.



"(Y/N)! What's up, cutie?" He snickered.

"Pft, don't call me that. I was just calling to see if you guys wanted to hang out."

"Oh, yeah! When do you think you'll be over?"

"Oh, well.. I thought I'd invite you guys over to my place for once." There was silence for a second.

"Yeah. That sounds nice, when do you want us over?" Oso sounded like he was trying not to sound overly excited.

"Uh, either today or tomorrow at anytime is fine," I said, telling him my address and apartment number.

"Alright, well. See you then, (Y/N)!"

"See you later, Osomatsu-kun~" I smiled and hung up, moving to start cleaning up a bit. I wasn't used to the dull monotone colors of my apartment. It was kind of depressing compared to the vibrant greens and purples of the Matsuno's home. Well, a home is a home..

About an hour passes and I hear a knock at my door. Already? I got up from my seat and readjusted the sling strap, got up, and opened the door to reveal the six color-coded brothers.

"Hi, (Y/N)!!" Jyushi ran forward, about to hug me before he saw my arm was still healing.

"We hope this is a good time," Choromatsu asked, looking kind of nervous. Hasn't he ever been to a girl's house?

"Yeah, of course! Come on in," I smiled and stepped aside, watching the brothers enter one after the other. Ichimatsu entered last and just kind of stood around awkwardly while the rest of the brothers looked around my small home. "So, uh.. I was thinking maybe we could order food and-"

"Are we going to play baseball?" Jyushimatsu butt in, smiling enthusiastically.

"Uh, n-no.. sorry Jyushi," Karamatsu gently pat his shoulder as Jyushi sadly slumped over at my words. "There's not much we could do, but I have a few movies we can watch." The brothers all seemed to like that idea and I went to order the pizza.

I had my back turned to the bros and had just finished inputting the numbers when I heard a soft voice from behind me. "Homey~" I jumped and turned to see Osomatsu, leaning against the wall next to him as he looked down at me. I nodded and turned back to the phone. "What do you say we let them watch the movie.. and we go to your room-"

"Hey, what kind of pizza do you guys want?" I called over Osomatsu's shoulder, wanting to ignore the fact he was trying to make a move. This might have been a mistake.. The others crowded around, speaking over each other as they threw their requests at me. At least it made Oso back off..

"Pepperoni! Sausage!"

"Heh, I'm alright with anything."

"Can we get it vegan?.."

"Good idea, Choromatsu nii-san!"

"We aren't rabbits, you idiots."

"I want anchovies."

"Gross, can we not get anchovies?"

"Pineapple! Spinach!"

I inhaled and just decided to order two different pizzas: one vegan and the other with everything. They were still fighting when I hung up, so I just decided to go and look through the movies. "Hey, do you guys wanna watch this?" I called, holding up a scary movie. They all looked over, stopping the argument and coming over to have a look.

"Ehh? A scary movie? I don't know, (Y/N).." Todomatsu said, his voice a tad shaky.

"Do not worry, brother. I will protect you~" Karamatsu smirked at him.

"That does not help.." Todo responded sourly, narrowing his eyes with disgust.

"I'm fine with it," Ichimatsu said, his voice as monotone as ever.

"If that's what you want," Choro said. Osomatsu just shrugged and looked away with a disappointed expression.

"Alright, I'll start it in a bit," I smiled, gesturing for them to get comfortable on the couch. There wasn't enough room though, so I had to retrieve some spare blankets and pillows from my bedroom. There. Perfect.

The pizza had soon arrived and I paid (of course), leaving me with only my winnings from pachinko to live off of until I was able to work again. Thank god Oso hadn't taken the money for himself.. Everything was pretty great. I turned out the lights, started the movie, and settled down between Karamatsu and Ichimatsu on the couch. Osomatsu was on the floor in front of us next to Choromatsu and Jyushimatsu and Todomatsu was seated next to Karamatsu on the couch.

"Feel free to cling to me if you get scared, my Karamatsu girl~" Karamatsu winked at me before looking back at the screen. I rolled my eyes and curled up under the blanket we were all sharing. I guess leaning against Kara was the only option, I think Ichi would probably kill me if I tried to cuddle him. It wasn't.. that bad, I guess.

It was about half way through the movie, the pizza was gone and everyone was quivering from the jumpscares. Everyone except Ichi, who was watching the movie blankly and occasionally exhaling a little extra air out of amusement when someone made a stupid decision. The three on the floor were bundled up under the blanket and Karamatsu was holding Todomatsu. I have never watched this movie and had no idea when something was going to happen, so I was also absolutely terrified. I desperately wanted someone to cuddle, but Karamatsu was occupied and Ichimatsu was, well, scarier than the movie.

Another jumpscare had happened and I was on the brink of tears when I suddenly felt an arm wrap around me and pull me into a surprisingly warm and gentle embrace. "It's just a movie." I heard Ichi mumble to me in a soothing tone. I was surprised by his movements, but I responded by resting my head on his shoulder and curling close to him. "U-uh..." he breathed quietly and tensed up as I moved closer, but still didn't retract from his embrace. He was so warm.. so.. warm...


"Shh, she's sleeping! Ichi what did you do?"

"What do you mean. She just fell asleep and leaned over."

"Yeah right, I saw you hugging her!"

"Tch.. I was not.."

"Wait, she's opening her eyes! (Y/N), hey, it's pretty late.. We were just about to-"

"Noo no, just stay.." I mumbled, still half asleep.

"A-are you sure?" Choromatsu stuttered.

"Yeah, just.. sleep wherever.." I yawned, curling back up on the couch. It was a lot softer than I'd remembered.. The guys seemed to just accept and turned out the lights again. Thank goodness, I thought as I dozed off again while still cuddling this.. pillow? I'll just pretend it's a pillow.

Not Feline Fine [depressed!Ichi x depressed!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now