Midnight Calls

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I sighed, carefully plopping into the couch after I had finished cleaning up the previous night's mess. With a sigh, I hugged my knees against my chest and closed my eyes. Everything was surprisingly quiet.. The fresh memories of the sextuplets flooded my mind. The way Todomatsu and Karamatsu clung to each other despite the way Todo treats him.. The way Osomatsu tried hitting on me.. The way Ichimatsu.. I inhaled and shut my eyes even tighter, running my fingers through my hair. I knew I felt something for him that I didn't feel for the others, but I wasn't sure what it was.. Maybe it was because I met him first? Maybe it's because I'm worried about him? Do I feel this way because of what Karamatsu told me?..

Suddenly, my thoughts were interrupted when my phone's loud ring cut through the silence. What the hell? It was nearly midnight, who would be calling me at this time? I stood up nervously and picked up the receiver, but it showed the Matsuno's number. "Hey, why are you calling me so late?" I asked with a yawn. It was silent except except for some faint, heavy breathing. "Osomatsu? Is that you trying to prank me or something?" Still silence. "...This isn't funny. Who are you?" Silence. "...Hello?" The call dropped. Mildly confused, I set the phone back down and decided to eat something.

As I ate, I kept glancing the phone and looking nervously around my living space. I was feeling very anxious and scared, my thoughts leaving me in a paranoid state. What if someone or something got into their house? What if they got robbed? What if they got hurt?! I stood up and walked over, picking up the receiver with my fingers over the buttons; I was debating whether or not to phone the police just in case, but right when I was about to dial, the phone rang again. I yelped and jumped at the sudden sound, nearly dropping the phone. My heart was racing as I answered.

"Who is this?!" My voice and body was shaking, but calmed when I heard that gruff, deep voice answer.

"(Y-Y/N)-" Ichimatsu stuttered. He sounded kind of hesitant to talk and his voice was quiet.

"Ichimatsu? Why are you calling me so late?" I tried to steady my breathing as I spoke.

"I.. I called earlier but I was so.. nervous.."

"That was you? What do you mean?"

"I want to take you somewhere." I paused for a moment.

"Like, now?"

"No. U-Unless you want to go out now, I mean. I just want to be with you."

"Oh, I.."

"Not like be your boyfriend! I don't want to be your boyfriend. Well I.. I want to hang out with you. Alone."

"Oh, you want to hang out alone?~" I teased him, trying to hold back my laughter when he responded.

"I- No, that's not what I meant- Unless y-you wanted.. to um.."

"I was kidding!" I said quickly, earning a relieved sigh from his end. "I'd love to hang out with you. Where did you want to go?"

"Well..we could um.. I know a cafe we could go too." His voice had a little more confidence in it. This was different than what I knew..

"Yeah, I'd like that."

"Cool. Next Friday?" That was a little less than a week.. I be out of my sling by then.

"Yeah, sounds perfect," I smiled at the phone.

"Alright... Bye," He said and hung up. I just chuckled and replaced the phone, happy that nothing bad had happened to my NEETs.

"It's just between friends.." I kept telling myself. He couldn't actually feel that way about me. I'm sure he's still going after that Totoko girl they talk about. Apparently she's an aspiring idol. Who could compete with that? I mean, not that I'm jealous that she has all six of them wrapped around her finger..

I sighed and curled up on the couch, closing my eyes as I began to slowly drift off. Was Ichimatsu actually beginning to open up to me? Who knows..

Not Feline Fine [depressed!Ichi x depressed!Reader]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat