The English Friend

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Huh? What was that sound.. I slowly opened my eyes, blinking them as the sunlight streamed in between my blinds. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and saw five of the six Matsunos passed out on the floor while the other was right next to me. I guess I accidentally passed out on Ichi while we were watching the movie. He had an arm wrapped loosely around my waist and had his head tilted to the side. I smiled and gently moved myself out of his embrace, causing him to pull back his arm and curl into a ball. He was so cute.. I entered the small kitchen and looked at the time. It was almost 10 in the morning and they were all dead asleep.. I yawned and quietly began making myself a quick bowl of cereal, making my way back to the living room where Todomatsu was sitting up against the couch and messing around on his phone with that cheeky, cat-like smile on his face.

"Morning, Todomatsu.." I yawned again, stepping over the brothers while carefully holding my dish.

"Ah, morning, (Y/N)!.." He smiled up at me before looking back at his phone. I sat down next to Ichimatsu, who was now snoring softly in his new position.

"There's food in the kitchen if you want something," I offered, him returning with a small "thanks" and a quick glance. He seemed pretty set on whatever he was looking at. I leaned over and peeked at what was on the screen. What the?.. He was editing a picture of me cuddling with.. Ichi? I blushed lightly and ignored it, beginning to eat my cereal.

Soon enough, the brothers began waking up one by one and I told them the same thing I told Todomatsu. Osomatsu and Jyushimatsu were the only two to go rummage around for food when I had went to put my bowl in the sink, but I didn't really mind. I didn't eat much anyways.. Finally, Ichimatsu had started stretching out, letting loose a cute little squeak as he did. Aw..

"Thank you for allowing us to stay over, (Y/N)-chan~" Karamatsu smiled at me.

"Of course!" I said, returning the smile. I didn't really want to be alone again to be honest.. They were all nice to have around. Even Osomatsu.

"Well, I suppose we should head out soon," Choromatsu said with a yawn, stretching his arms out. Just the words I wanted to avoid.

"Ah, what's the rush? I don't have to kick you guys out until my check up in a few days," I spoke in the most casual tone I could manage, leaning more into my seat to give the full effect.

"Turn off the light.." Ichi mumbled.

"Oh yeah, okay. Let me just go turn off the sun," I spoke sarcastically, glancing over at him. He was facing me now and had been curled up in the crook of the couch, his tired eyes squinting in the sunlight.

"Just close the blinds, dumbass..." He yawned sleepily, curling up tighter.

"Oi, you can't talk to (Y/N) like that," Osomatsu snapped as he reentered the room with a huge bowl of cereal in his hand.

"Eh? I thought it was Todomatsu."

"I'm over here," Todo chimed in from his seat, still looking at the screen.

"Totty, what are you doing?" I saw Ichi tense up a bit as Choro asked the question.

"Oh, nothing~" He giggled, then turned off and put away his phone. Suspicious..

"Hm. (Y/N), we don't want to be a bother to you and over stay. Are you sure you don't want us to leave?"

"Rising.." Osomatsu muttered with an eye roll, shoving a bit of the cereal into his mouth. "(Y/N), where did you even find that American cereal?"

"Oh, I had one of my American friends send it to me." They all looked surprised.

"Ehh? You have American friends?" Osomatsu asked, getting closer.

Not Feline Fine [depressed!Ichi x depressed!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now