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"You idiot, did you really think we were your friends?" Osomatsu scoffed, a look of disgust on his face.

"As if, you don't even belong in our social caste. They should make a whole new level just for dumbasses like you!" Todomatsu taunted, shoving me to the ground. They crowded around me, smiling as they continued insulting me while I was already in the dirt.

"Even us shitty NEETs are above you. You don't deserve our friendship, (Y/N)." Choromatsu smirked, his eyes narrowing into a filthy glare. This wasn't right.

"You aren't even worthy of becoming a Karamatsu girl," Karamatsu snapped, even his words cutting deep. At this point, I was sobbing madly as they continued laughing in my face.

"You are just a mistake. You were why your parents killed themselves," Jyushimatsu said, his grin now menacing. How did he know that they.. no..

"You should have jumped when you had the chance." Ichimatsu's words were sharp enough to cut diamonds, piercing my skin like a million needles. I curled up on the ground, hiding my face from them.

"(Y/N)?" I heard a distant voice. The brothers were suddenly gone when I looked; everything was just black. "(Y/N), wake up!"

I sat up suddenly, my heart pounding and skin and clothes damp from sweat. I had headache and tear stains on my cheeks and the fact that all six brothers were surrounding me did not help. Why did they care..

"Thank god, (Y/N).. Are you okay?" Choromatsu was the one talking. I sniffled and shoved him away from me, the brothers looking at me wide eyed as I proceeded to run for the door with tears streaming down my face. I didn't want to hear them talk. It was too much. I quickly slid the door open, hearing the sextuplets call after me. I dashed put onto the side walk and ran, ignoring the sound of their footfall as they chased me.

Blinded by my tears, I hadn't noticed the bump in the cement. It caught my shoe and sent me to the ground, making me land hard on my shoulder. I hardly felt the pain, but I knew something had broken and laid there for a few seconds before the Matsunos caught up. They were panicking and trying to talk to me, but I just kept screaming at them to go away and that I never wanted to see them again. Though they looked crestfallen by my words, Todomatsu called an ambulance for me. As I was picked up, I saw my arm sagging down to my knee and heard a man mumble something about a broken collar bone to his partner. Right before they closed the door, Ichimatsu asked if he could ride in the ambulance, and they allowed him on (much to my dismay). The rest of the brothers stayed behind, and I caught a glimpse of them before the doors shut. They looked extremely hurt and confused. They should feel that way..

"Why did you do that?" Ichimatsu snarled, looking angry with a slight expression of hurt or sadness in his eyes. "Why.."

"Out of everyone, you were the one who told me I should have jumped," I retorted sourly, refusing to look at him. I noticed him tense up in my peripheral vision, his fists clenched.

"I don't.. understand.." his voice sounded choked up. Was he.. crying? "I d.. We don't w-want you gone.."

"You fucking liar," I spat, looking at him. He was biting his lip, his arms crossed and eyes red and damp. "I know how you all really feel. I understand."


"Don't act stupid! I know what you said. I understand," I hadn't even bothered stopping the tears from sliding down my cheeks.

"What the hell are you talking about?!" Ichimatsu rose his voice, taking a step forward and dropping his arms to his sides.

"I-.. You all.." To be honest, I don't really remember why. I know they did it, I just.. can not recall when it happened.. "I don't remember.." For some reason, I couldn't remember the memory.. it was just a blurred scene in the back of my mind and I didn't understand. Was it even real to begin with? Was I just overreacting?

"Tch, whatever.. I'll leave when you-"

"No, don't.." I mumbled, huffing quietly. He narrowed his eyes.

"Make up your fucking mind, do you want me here to stay or not,'' he growled.

"Sorry, I.. fuck.." I didn't know what to say, looking at him through my blurry vision.

"...I'll go when I know you're safe," he muttered, his voice forcefully calm as he leaned back and looked away. I fucked up.

Soon enough, we'd arrived and I had been taken in. I didn't see Ichi enter the building, feeling somewhat sad that he didn't come in with me. I really fucked up. I'd lost my only friends. I didn't care about my arm or shoulder, I just wanted them back.

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