Testing the Waters

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We both sat on the couch for a while, staring at the television screen blankly as either of us tried to build up enough courage to say something.

"Ichimatsu?" I spoke up, my voice drenched in nervousness.

He shifted his gaze to look at me as he resonded with a small "Hm?"

"Will you tell me what you were going to say?" I tried to make my voice as friendly as possible, but it didn't really seem to help much.

"I.. You're going to hate me."

"I promise I won't.."

"(Y/N), I really d-"

"Please." I looked at him with a serious expression, causing him to look away.

"I.. I liqoo..."


"I said I lkkyho..."

"I can't underst-"

"I said I like you," he snapped, causing me to flinch. He sighed and curled back up. "...Sorry."

"No, I-" I bit my lip and looked down. "I think I.. like you too?"

"Tch, you don't need to lie.." he huffed, his cheeks dusted with a faint rosy hue.

"I wouldn't lie about that.." I moved closer to him and set my hand on his shoulder, squeezing it gently. He swallowed hard, clearly uncomfortable. "We could.. do something to see if it's uh.."

"S-something?" he stuttered with a small smirk on his face, blushing heavily as he looked at me.

"Not that, you pervert! I meant like.. a kiss?" I offered hopefully, seeing his smile fade.

"Ah, uh.. I've never kissed anyone besides my brother," he uttered.


"What?" he looked at me, confused. "Oh, no it wasn't like that. It was to make him sick."

"I'd be pretty sick too if my brother kissed me," I teased, receiving a frustrated growl.

"No, he took advantage of our sickness. We were too ill to go out so he stole our money and played pachinko. Dumbass didn't win a thing," he snorted. "So they had me French him-"

"I don't know if I want to kiss you anymore," I laughed.

"Wait, no I-" There was a split second were he had a look of sadness on his face before he looked down. "I.. It was a while ago and only one time.."

"I'm just teasing," I snickered, scooting closer to him. Gently, I tilted his head up and cupped his cheek with my hand, leaning in slowly. He leaned in and began closing his eyes, my lips barely brushing against his when the phone started to ring. We both jumped back, looking at the phone before looking at each other.

"Ah, sorry uh.."

"No, no! I uh.. have to take that," I swallowed, my face burning as I clumsily made my way towards the phone. "This is (Y/N), how may I-"

"(Y/N)-chan," Choromatsu said breathily into the phone. "Hhave you.. have you seen Ichimatsu around by any chance?"

"Uh.." I looked over at the male on the couch, who was mumbling stuff to himself with his head in his hands. "No, sorry. I'll make sure to keep an eye out, though."

"Shit.. (Y/N), please.. We are s-so worried.."

"I know, calm down. We'll.. We will find him soon." There was a bit of faint chatter and a new voice came through the phone.

"Hey (Y/N), it's Osomatsu. I know now isn't really the time, but I was wondering if I could come over. I have to tell-"

"Trash! Give me the phone!" Choro yelled in the background. There was more distant voices and suddenly the line went dead. Slowly, I set down the phone and moved back to the couch.

"They're really worried about you," I mumbled softly, sitting on the edge of the cushion with my eyes fixated on the floor.


"Osomatsu might come over."

"Gh.." Ichimatsu let out a disgusted noise and leaned back in his seat.

"Hey.." I looked back at him, trying not to look nervous.


"Do you want to get some take out?" I smiled a bit when he nodded before getting back up to order.

Today was pretty quiet; it mostly consisted of Ichimatsu showing off a few smoke tricks, shitty movies, and miscellaneous delivery foods. We were having a good time, laughing and getting closer to one another.

"..Hey, (Y/N)?" he spoke up nervously.


"Do you.. want to try again?" he asked, his voice sounding forced. I blushed and nodded, awkwardly moving closer to him. He inhaled deeply and brushed a bit of hair out of my face, leaning forward slowly. We both tilted our head the same way and we accidentally bumped noses, the both of us letting out shy giggles before trying again. Our lips finally met and I definitely felt something. Ichimatsu must've felt the same given the fact that he tried to pull me closer. We broke away, our faces still close when we opened our eyes.

"Ichi, I.." I mumbled, unable to find the words.

"I felt it too," his smile widened as he pressed his forehead against mine. I smiled sheepishly and wrapped my arms around his neck, him wrapping his arms around my torso. "You.. make me happy."

"You make me happy too.." I hugged him tighter, my grin faltering a bit. "Ichi..?"


"What does this.. make us?" He tensed up and hugged me tighter.

"(Y/N), I.." he exhaled shakily. "Will you.. be my, uh.. g-girlfriend?"

"I thought you'd never ask," I smiled and pecked his lips gently, causing him to grin widely. Ichi leaned back and pulled me down on top of him, causing me to squeal and break out into a fit of giggles.

Little to our knowledge, the eldest Matsuno was standing in the doorway, watching us celebrate our newfound feelings with a broken expression. "I.. Ichi.. matsu.." he mumbled just loud enough for us to hear. I felt my heart sink as I saw his face, swiftly getting up to go to the elder.

"Osomatsu, listen I-"

"You knew. You lied to us," he growled, advancing on me. "You fucking lied to me!" Osomatsu was yelling now, his face full of rage as he gripped the collar of my shirt. I closed my eyes and braced myself, but nothing came. Instead, there was the sound of knuckles cracking followed by pained sound and a thud.

(Guess who's back--)

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