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"Ichimatsu? Why are you calling-"

"That isn't the answer to my question," he hissed. "What happened to the usual for this route?"

"I.. I woke up late and the 'usual' had to take my shift.." I was so shocked that Ichi was calling my work. He didn't seem like the person who would-

"Shit.. Well, can I get you over here? I'm near the cliff we met on. Bring the stuff." And then he hung up, no explanation. I quietly set the phone down and started heading out. My job was my job, after all...

I adjusted the strap on my shoulder, huffing as I neared the edge. He was sitting there with his legs over the edge.

"About time you made it," Ichi said softly, looking back at me.

"Yeah, whatever. Why are you out here and why are you buying this shit?" I snapped, clenching my teeth.

"Do you smoke too?" He quirked a brow as he asked, a small smile playing his lips.

"Well, no.. but I've thought about trying," I shrugged, feeling my heart rate pick up. I saw his smile widen a bit more as he stood up and walk towards me.

"C'mon. We should go somewhere more private," he spoke softly, nodding at a nearby alley. I agreed and we casually entered the dark area. "Think I could get a discount with you?" There was a slightly playful tone to his voice.

"I dunno about that, but I'd be willing to make a trade," I smirked a bit.

"Oh? I already bought you dinner, what else do you want?" Ichi stopped, turning around to face me with a faint spark of curiosity in his eyes.

"Hm, I dunno.. Maybe I wanted you to come back to my place.." I began feeling a bit nervous, his expression becoming more predatory.

"Oh yeah? And do what, exactly?" Ichimatsu's smile only grew as he spoke, his hands sliding out of his pockets as he stepped forward.

"We could, I dunno.. have another sleepover! I could've called your brothers and had them come over too!" Oh, the look on his face when I said that.

"Tch.. whatever, just give me a couple joints," he growled, shoving his hands back into his pockets as he looked away with red dusting his cheeks.

"Okay, but first, why did you leave the house?" He tensed up.

"I.. need to be alone for a while."

"So you're just going to live on the streets?" He nodded. "Why not come stay with me?"

"...I don't want to be a burden to anyone-"

"You aren't a burden. If you need a break from them, you can come stay with me." I placed my hand on his shoulder and smiled, causing him to loosen up a bit.

"..Fine, but don't tell them where I am," he snapped. "And no more of those.. games." I laughed and rolled my eyes, reaching into the bag to supply him.

We stayed in that alley for a while, mostly staying quiet as I watched him do a couple of smoke tricks that he apparently learned from my coworker. He did offer me a hit, but I declined. I was still technically on the job- Oh no, shit.

"Hey, it was nice hanging out and all, but I uh.. I really gotta get back-" I said, trying not to sound that panicked. He just shrugged.

"What's the rush? The other person never got in trouble," he said, watching a thick smoke ring he made fade into the air. I clutched the strap of my bag.

"No, I.. I really should go. You should come with me too." He didn't respond, flicking the butt of the joint into a small puddle. I pouted and sat down next to him. "Ichiimatsuu~" I whined softly. "C'moon.."

"Alright, if it'll get you to shut up.." he growled, standing up with a little noise. How cute... I slung the bag cautiously over my shoulder and exited the alley with Ichi close behind. "You sure you wanna let me stay with you? I mean, I'm just trash.. I belong out here.."

"I'm pretty sure. I wouldn't have invited you if I didn't want you around." I looked back with a small smile, causing him to give off one of those signature 'tch' sounds. "Stop being so hard on yourself, you're a great guy." He didn't answer.

When we got back home, I was relieved to see that I had no messages on my phone. Good, had no other deliveries.. Ichimatsu just kind of stood there as I sat down the bag and went to get a drink.

The male was still in the same spot, his hands in his pockets as he gently kicked the ground. "Are you gonna sit down or..?" I quirked a brow and took a sip of my drink, watching him as he awkwardly shuffled over and plopped down on the couch. I chuckled and sat on the opposite side, switching on the television,

"...Thank you," Ichi mumbled, his eyes fixed on the screen. Eh? He was.. thanking me?

"It's no big deal," I responded nonchalantly, only casting a sideways glance. I could feel him shift around in a uncomfortable manner and heard faint noises coming from him. "Is everything alright?.."

"Yeah, I just want.." he paused. "..Don't worry about it."

"No, tell me. What do you want?" I looked over at him, turning down the tv volume. He was tense and decided that the door was pretty interesting to look at.

"I said don't worry about it," he said sharply, but I surprisingly wasn't intimidated.

"Ichimatsu, please. Tell me what you want." He exhaled shakily and tensed up even more, now gripping the arm of the sofa.

"It's not important."

"I don't care." I scooted closer to him. "Please.." He relaxed a little bit and took a deep breath.

"(Y/N)," he said softly, looking over at me. "Listen, I..." He stopped again, pursing his lips and looking away before standing up. "I need to smoke. I'll be back."

"Ichimatsu, wait," I stood up and took a step towards him, grabbing his sleeve before he started towards the door.


"I don't want you to leave me." As the words left my mouth, I felt his body go rigid. He did not respond as he slowly made his way back to the couch, his body still as stiff as a board as he curled up in his spot. I smiled softly and sat back down, again turning up the tv volume while the curiosity of what he had to say lingered fresh in my mind.

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