How Embarrassing

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I wasn't all that fond of going out, especially on a Saturday, but I did promise to do something with the Matsunos. "How about we go to your friend's oden stand?" I shrugged. It was that expensive and I didn't really have a chance to try the oden last time. The boys all agreed and headed for the door with me close behind.
We made our way to the stand, a couple of the brothers talking or teasing each other. I was in the middle of the group, Choromatsu and Ichimatsu on either side of me. Ichimatsu wasn't really talking, but he would occasionally smile to himself at his brother's words.

"Hey, (Y/N)-chan, why don't you stay the night and we can go to pachinko tomorrow?" Osomatsu looked at me with a grin. "We promise that you'll have a better experience this time." I noticed his eyes flick away for a second to the person next to me. Ichimatsu. Todomatsu must have told them about that night.

"It.. It wouldn't hurt, I suppose," I responded, smiling shyly.

"Yay! (Y/N) is staying another night!" Jyushi sounded pretty happy to have me around. It felt nice.. As I looked forward once more, I noticed something odd. Out of the corner of my eye, I thought I saw Ichimatsu with a.. a smile on his face? I glanced over. No, it must have been my imagination..

"The hell? You're still hanging around these idjits?" The small man sighed as we sat down. This time, I was settled dead center between Ichimatsu and Choromatsu.

"They aren't that bad.. I enjoy their company," I responded, shrugging passively. Chibita simply shrugged and served us what I assumed was what they usually got. I again passed on the alcohol, curiously picking something off of my dish to eat. Wow, these guys were right. This oden was the best I'd ever had!

"Eh, what did I say, (Y/N)-chan~?" Osomatsu snickered, apparently having noticed how I was eating. "Best oden in the world, yeah?"

"Mmhm," I nodded at him before turning back to my food, noticing Ichi eyeing me in my peripheral vision. I looked over, swallowing the bit of fish cake I had in my mouth. "Mh?" He looked as though he wanted to say something, but turned his attention back to his drink.

"Sorry about him, (Y/N).. He's kind of anxious around new people," Choro whispered to me, offering me more space if I wanted to move away from Ichimatsu. I didn't accept.

A few the Matsunos were rather drunk as night fell and I had already paid for the dinner and thanked the man. I did my best to situate myself with the stumbling brothers. It was difficult, but I did it. Karamatsu and I had Ichimatsu's arms around our shoulders to help him and Osomatsu and Todomatsu had linked arms and were singing drunken songs while Choromatsu complained about how loud they were being to Jyushimatsu, who was carrying the one in green. It wasn't the safest idea since he, Choro, had shown that he was terrible at holding in his alcohol. Ichimatsu would occasionally mumble slurred nothings to either me or Karamatsu, telling us how much he loved us and that we were his best friends. I was tired by the time we approached the brothers' homes, eager to pass out as soon as I was able. The brothers dragged each other upstairs and I collapsed onto the sofa. It was a lot more comfortable than last time, I thought before drifting off.

Mmh?.. Why did I feel so warm? Did someone bring me a blanket?.. I tried to move around, but I couldn't. There was something holding me down. I lifted a hand to rub the sleep from my eyes and look around, seeing someone's arms around my torso and leg draped over my waist. One of his hands was dangerously close to my chest. I felt the body tense up as I move, hearing that raspy whisper once again. "You looked cold."

"Ichima-?! Mhn!!" I started panicking, but he held me tight with one arm as he covered my mouth.

"Shh, you'll wake up the others," he hissed, his breath still smelling faintly of booze. "Will you be quiet?" I nodded, and he removed his hand to continue cuddling me. I had to admit, the contact was kind of soothing.. but I barely knew this guy.



"Why did you come down to check on me anyways?" I felt his body tense up.

"...I had to take a piss. When I was going back upstairs, I saw you were shivering." He sounded like he was lying, but I decided to accept his excuse with a sigh. Ichi gently nuzzled his face into the back of my neck, mumbling something quietly before letting out a soft snore. It was probably just drunk sentiment, so I paid no mind to it.

The following morning, I was woken up by the sound of a camera shutter and a bright flash followed by the sound of Todomatsu's voice. "Good morning, lovebirds~!" He snickered, looking at his phone. I blinked the sleep out of my eyes and noticed Todo, Jyushi, and Choro standing in front of the couch while Kara and Oso were eating at the table.

"What are you?.." I yawned, but froze when I noticed the arms that were still locked around my body.

"Cuute!" Todomatsu smiled, scuttling back to the table where the eldest two were seated.

"(Y/N)-chan? Are you alright?" Choromatsu tilted his head, frowning a bit.

"Yeah, I'm-"

"Nii-san! Come on, let's go play!" Jyushi said, trying to wake up his brother and completely disregarding the fact he was cuddling me.

"Ngh.. so loud..." Ichi mumbled sleepily, burying his face into the crook of my neck.

"Brother, I believe you are making our guest uncomfortable," Kara called from the table.

"Eh?.." Ichimatsu pulled back and rubbed his eyes, blushing lightly when he saw me in his one arm embrace. "Shit." He retracted his arm and sat up, scooting to the other side of the couch. "Sorry." I nodded and sat up as well, sitting on the side opposite to him. I looked at Osomatsu, who was surprisingly quiet. That was odd...

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