Chapter 6: Class

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I got up from the window, went to a chest in the corner and opened it, going through the it. I heard a knock at the door and quickly put my head farther in the chest. I heard someone walk in "Hey Royal?" It was Yang "Just a question. Does Janasan have a Girlfriend?"
I kept my head in the chest. "No, why?"
"Ok thanks!" I heard what sounded like two people running down the hall. I looked at the time. 'CLASS! In gonna me late for class!' I grabbed my hat and ran to the class room.
When I got there, everyone was in their seat. And by everyone, I mean the only people in the class were team RWBY and me. And the teacher was Janasan.

I went over to Janasan and asked "Jan....I know your dad is pretty cool about all this but did you really take the job?"
Janasan nodded "I did indeed"
I sighed and went to a seat near team RWBY and sat down.
Janasan stood up and began his lesson. "Hello everyone and welcome to Semblance class."

Hello people! Sorry for such a short chapter, but I really couldn't think of anything else to put in the chapter. So if there are any ideas, just let me know. Once again I apologize and hope you enjoy the rest of the book.

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