Chapter 19: Half Albino Friend

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    'Darko I don't trust her make up a past and tell her to get out.' 'Don't be so rude Mari I got this and if this back fires on me you can pick the movie tonight.' 'Cant your wolf girlfriend is picking the movie remember.' "Hey is any one home?" "Oh sorry about that Emerald.  And to your statement theirs no way you know who I am. I just move here about two days." "One,ok. Two, how do you know my name if yo don't know me." she said with a smirk on her face. "I didn't, you just told me.  Last time I check you have a high bounty on your head." She took out her weapons "So what now, your gonna take me down clam the bounty on my head? she ask while taking a stance. "Wow when one person knows about you bounty you instantly deploy your semblance to make it look like you haven't move but your behind them. Why would I attack a friend." "Darko what are you doing and why is that girl behind you?"

         I turn my attention to the door and saw my girlfriend the wolf faunus. "Oh Katherine, good timing, this is an old friend of mine Emerald." "I know who she is, she's here for the festival correct, I only say that because I see that your  at beacon attending from another school." Emerald just nodded. "So Darko I picked out one of you favorite comedy movie." "What is it?" "Final Destination." I started to chuckle "Your right that is one of my favorite comedy's, witch one?" "The one with the 147 pile up one."

           Emerald's P.O.V

   He doesn't seem to recognize me, shoot I don't think he remembers any thing. I do think that its kind of ironic on how everyone has been looking for him and couldn't find him but he was here under our noses this hole time. "Hey Darko, is it ok if me and my team come over and watch the movie with you guys so we could catch up and I think that I might have a friend who would like to meet you?" "Sure call it a date be here at 9, the door would be unlock but I would be down stairs so come down and get me." I blushed when he said date. Katherine must of herd him because she smacked him on the back of his head "Baka!" She yelled as she walks out the door. "O..ok ." I started to walk out the door "See you tonight." I said as I walk out the door.

       Time skip Darko P.O.V
     I was making a katana that could also turn into a shot gun. Being a black smith is also one of my jobs. "26 days,06 hours,42 minutes, and 12 seconds." Mari appeared on the other side of the anvil looking at me confuse. "That is the end." I said while the  finishing touches on the mechanism inside the weapon. I picked it up and give a a good slash in the air. I pulled the trigger and hold it down as it transformed into a shot gun charging a blast. I pointed it at a dummy in the corner at let go of the trigger realising the blast. A flash of black shot from the cannon and hit the dummy making it explode. "Nice work Darko." Mari said hugging me from the behind. Their was foot steps coming down the stairs. I look over my shoulder and saw that she had disappeared.

Emerald came down the stairs "He's down here" she yelled while blushing. I then notice that I didn't have a shirt on, screw it. I went over to the fire pit to put out the fire. "Hey Darko if you don't mind me asking, how did you get all of those scars on your chest and back?" "Ill tell you later but tell your half albino friend that katana is not a toy." I said as he drop it. "And I'm assuming that the other two are part of your team?" "Yes, Darko they ate my team mates. They are Cinder, Mercury, and Neo."  "Ok that takes care of that." I said turning around to see the others look like they have seen a ghost, "But who are the other four upstairs. One is young, one has alcohol , and the other is an uptight prune who needs to loosen up and get laid." Mercury and Emerald started laughing as the one name Neo ran and hug me. "Can some one get her off of me?" "Hey I hear voices down here lets check it out!"

   On que the three people came down stairs. The one with red tips and long yellow hair both jump at me with the white hair girl looked shock. The on with red tips starts crying on me and saying jonasan. "Not like I don't like three girls hugging me at the same time bit who are you people?" Well that question just backfire. "You don't remember us?" "Jonasan its me, don't you remember me?" The short one didn't say any thing but cry on me.

     "Darko what is going on in here!?" I looked at the stairs and saw Katherine, and boy did she look pissed. "Up stairs now!" she yelled at me. I shook the girls off and made my way to Katherine. When i got their she grab me by the ear dragging me up the stairs. "Ow ow ow, Katherine that hurts!" "Good you baka, who are they and you better not be cheating on me!" "I'm not, I'm not. I don't even know them they apparently think I'm a guy named Jonasan." "You promise your not cheating?" "Yes I promise." "Good buy did you see the white hair girl, Schnee, she needs to get laid soon or theirs no hope for her in the future. Did you say they they thought that you were Jonasan?" "She does and why do you ask?" "Well I...."
She was interrupted by an angry Schnee. "What did he say about me and  for christ sake put on a good dam shirt!" she said the last part with a blush.

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