Chapter 13: Junior

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Janasan's POV

"I need three thing's from you." I told Yang while leading her down the hall. "Need?" she ask giving me a questionable look. I stopped walking as we reached the entrance "Yes, no the first thing show me your weapons. She reached her arms out toward me and her bracelets transformed. I put my hands over her gauntlets. "What are you doing?" she ask. Smoke was forming over the same place were her gauntlets was but on my arms. About a minute later the smoke manifested a into a pair of identical gauntlets the same as Yangs but only black.

"Ok, second thing I need from, take me to Junior." "Uh.. sure but may i ask why?" "Ill tell you on the the way there." I walked out the door and Yang followed. I told Yang to go get her bike. When she left I felt something in my pocket vibrate. It was my scroll, I took it out and saw that I got a message from Neo

Neo:'Two thing's where are you and why is their blood in the bathroom?'
Shit I thought I cleaned it all up.
Jonasan:'A to see a friend and B ill explain everything later'
Neo:'ok i believe you, and thanks for the wallet'
Jonasan:'and thanks for yours, but the main difference is that I have all my money with me including yours. Bye and theirs something i want to talk about when i get back'

      I put my scroll back in my pocket as Yang pulled up "Hop on." I nodded my head no, " I'm driving you don't know where we are going, Junior knows that I'm coming to see him so he went to hiding but i located him in a bar he owns." She nodded her head and slide back. I got on the bike and went full speed. "Jonasan slow down please, your gonna get us in a wreck!" she tighten her grip around my waist as she said that. I chuckled at this "I'm dying already so what's the point, and it would get us their faster." I looked back at her and she had had a sad look on her "W..why" I looked forward to focus on the road. "I wasn't the only one that the white fang experimented on. Their were four of us. Subject's J,N,R,S.I only know who Subject N is because she was my child hood friend.....and in my room." "What was the last part" "Nothing anyways I wasn't completed and something triggered something in my body slowly killing me, just earlier I coughed up a lot of blood."

                      Time Skip
   I grab Junior's head and smashed it on the near by jukebox and felled to the floor. I wiped the blood from the buttons and press j4. I walked over to the bar as Glitter and Gold played from the box. Yang handed me a drink "Was that necessary?" I took a sip of the drink "Yes could you hand me something strong that was a kick to it I think that our friend is thirsty. She handed me a bottle from the top shelf. I took it and walk over to junior who sitting up with the jukebox behind his back. I hold the bottle for him as he took a drink. When he was done taking a drink I pored the rest of it on his open head wound "So are you gonna talk now." He looked up at me and nodded. "Yang will you go and wait outside."

      "In fact go ahead and go back to beacon."  "Buzz kill." Yang walked out of the the bar and I walk back to where my drink was and took a seat. Not soon after that Junior took a seat next to me "Is she gone?" "Yes, good acting for a moment their I thought I was really killing you" I slid a bottle over to him. "Really?" "No." "Well damned,  as for the information you need its all in hear, your mute girlfriend's boss could help you with the rest." Wait how do you know about.." I looked over at him but he wasn't there. I looked around "....about Neo?" I smirked at how fast he had gotten from the last time we had meet. I looked at his seat and saw a flash drive. I stood up, put the flash drive in my pocket. Smoke started to form around my body as i vanished and reappeared in my room. "Neo I'm back." I walked into the kitchen and saw Neo sitting on the counter eating ice cream.  That was the last thing I saw as a black bag covered my vision.

        I laughed at this. They must be real amateurs to think a black sack over my head is enough to kidnap me. "The black bag is kinda of an old trick" I felt something inter me neck. I took off the bag and took the needle out of my neck. "Really is that all you got, if your gonna kidnap me stop reading kidnapping for dummies and try something that isn't in the book." I felt a tap on my shoulder so I turned around to see who it was. When I did I was greeted with pink dust being blown into my face. "I admit the dust is something new." I said as I felled backwards.

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