Chapter 15: Kidknapping?

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Idiot's, if your gonna knock someone out check if their out before you turn their back too them. Smoke formed around me as I turned invisible. 'I'll give them 30 seconds'. Another version of me appear bedside me 'I accept your bet' I nodded and went in front of Neo and I'm guessing her boss. I hovered my hand over her head as all of her memory's flown into my head. They finished their conversation and turned it around "Wh..where's is he?" Cinder stuttered. I walk around them so that I was in front of Neo.

I hovered my hand in front of her neck as my hand glowed green. I don't usually heal people because the pain is reflected to me so I feel the pain. Oh the irony in this. Well I guess I wonk be able to speak for a while. "Oh that Jonasan always fooling around" I'm guessing that was Neo because Cinder slowly turn her head to Neo as stutter "N..neo you just talk." I just walk over to the couch in the other room leaving a over happy Neo and a almost scare shit less Cinder, ok so maybe I messed with her head a little bit when I was reading her mind.

I slowly exit out of void form making me visible again. And lucky for me when I did that my voice returned. Well the first person who saw me was Neo who literally jumped at me or at the clone at least I was still at the very spot they left me. I whistle and got both over their attentions. I took at two small revolvers and pointed them at Cinder."Oh, so you want to play like that how exciting." She chuckled as a fire ball formed in her hand. I spun the revolvers in my hand making then look like a blur as the got bigger. When I stop the guns they were bigger, had a lot more barrels,missiles and mini guns. "Ask your self this, am I gonna survive this. The answer might surprise you."

     I summon a clone behind Cinder, but with a fire extinguisher. "Instead of focusing on the distraction, focus on the guy behind you." "You think that I'm gonna fall for that old trick." said Cinder with a confident smirk on her face but soon disappear off of her face when my clone tapped her shoulder.
                 Cinder P.O.V
      I turned around and saw another Jonasan with a fire extinguisher. As he went and squeeze the trigger I braced for impact. Instead of being hit by white foam I was it with multi- color snakes. "Like I said, instead of focusing on the distraction, focus on the guy behind you." I felt a powerful killing intent coming from Jonasan. I turned around and the only thing in my line of sight was a fist covered in black aura the darkness.
              Jonasan P.O.V
      I saw Cinder fall from the force of the punch I gave her. I picked her up and threw her on one of my couches. I walk and sat down next to Neo, who was unconscious. I got up and walk to my bed room and sat down at my desk. I turned on my laptop and plug the hard drive I got from Junior.

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