Chapter 9: Everything is Perfect

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[Author's Name: Play the music while listening to this chapter~]


Everything was perfect, your career and your relationship with Taehyung. Only BTS know that you two are dating and of course Manager-nim but the rest don't know. Both of you are still hiding the relationship to the public since you two are rising stars in your respective industry.

Your relationship with Taehyung is very stable but due to busy schedules you often not see each other and you understand that. You also started with your acting career and debuted as a part of a web drama, meanwhile Taehyung with BTS are having their TRB: World tour ep 2. Even though you both have busy sched, he doesn't forget to message you, call and chat you in kakao. But then sometimes you forgot to reply because of the tiredness of the shooting.

It was the last day of shooting, you were excited because you can see Taehyung and you missed him so much. You also knew that they gone back home here in Korea. So you called him while on your way home.

"Chagiyaaaaa!!!! Bogoshipoyooo!" he screamed as he answered the phone.

"Hahaha, yaaa you're in Korea right?"

"Yes, chagi! I miss you so much! Why are you not replying to my messages?! Ha?!" he said.

"Ohhh, mianhae~ I was tired and forgot to reply. I fell asleep everytime I wanted to reply."

"Awww, my baby is so tired." He said while aegyo-ing.

"You must be tired also. Rest well okay?" You said.

"Arasssooo. Saranghaeyoo!" He said.

"Deeeee~ I'll text you later when I got home." You said and hang up.

You parked your car and you're walking to the hallway and you saw someone waiting on your door. You got close and smiled at him.

"Oh you're here?" You smiled at him. You saw him with some flowers and groceries.

"Yes, I missed you so much chagiii!" He said. You kissed him on the cheeks. He was surprised. Then you hugged him because you missed him so much and he hugged back.

You two spend the night together watching movies and talking till you fell asleep on the floor. You feel that it was just perfect no distractions, no problems, just the two of you having fun together.

Days have passed and both of you are busy on your schedules, you are currently working with Baekhyun, your childhood friend, for his solo album. Since you are a freelancer producer you are working with different agencies and Baekhyun personally asked you to help you create his album. You two are always together and focused on creating the album before the deadline. Both of you are stressed out to complete the album and you even go overtime just to finish editing. These days you haven't contact Taehyung but you still receive messages from him checking on you.

From: Taetae~♥


Chagiyaaa, BTS and I are practicing for our performance tomorrow.

How are you? Have you eaten already? Don't overwork yourself huh? I miss you. :* ♥


Chagi, I heard that you are producing music with Baekhyun hyung? Yaaa, don't overdo it okay? Please behave and don't make me jealous!! >.< Kekeke~ Fighting! ^^


Yaaa, why are you not replying? Are you having fun with Baekhyun hyung?! Yaaaaa!!


We're heading home, chagi. Are you so busy huh? Please replyyy, jebal~ Bogoshippoooo!


Chagiiii! Chagiyaaaaa


Have you eaten dinner? CHAGI!!! :'(



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Aigooo this kid. You have read his messages when you're on your bed after work at 3 o'clock in the morning, but you are stressed out and tired while replying to him you haven't hit send before you fell asleep.

It was your day-off and Taehyung called you up and say that he will come later and bring movies to watch. You are just agreeing because your mind is spaced out in your work. You have to finished your work because your deadline was moved to tomorrow so you are cramming and stressed out and trying to finish it.

Taehyung came in and you were in the table doing some work on your laptop. You haven't noticed that he was already standing behind you. Then he suddenly, hugs you behind.

"I'm here." With a big grin on his lips as he looks at your face.

"Oh, you're here?" You removed his hug and somehow you don't feel right and not in the mood for these things. He was taken aback but he still insist for you two to watch the movie on the living room together.

You brought your laptop and you're doing your work while he was watching the movie. You were not interested in the movie, so you keep on doing your work.

"[Y/N]-ah, close that first and let's watch the movie together." He said.

"I am watching but I just really need to finish this, Taehyung." You were cold but still you focused on your work. You knew that he was flustered by your reaction.

*doorbell rings*

"I'm going to get it." You said.

"Okay, I'll just go to the bathroom." He said coldly. You are somehow worried because you know that you hurt his feelings.

*doorbell rings again*

You went to the door and then you saw Baekhyun, you were confused but you can see that his eyes looks puffy.

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