You're sad

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Your POV:

I was sitting in my room, listening to soft music quietly. Do you ever just get so sad for no reason at all? Yeah that's me right now. I was cuddled up under my covers, as it was cold in my room, listening to Wes's cover of Be Alright. It always seemed to cheer me up. My phone kept going off with messages from my friends and Wes, asking what was wrong. I wasn't answering anyone because I didn't feel like talking to anyone. I see a text from Wes as I went to replay the song, and it said he was coming over. I didn't want to reply, for the same reason I wasn't replying to any other text. So, I just sat there, listening to his song on repeat, a couple tears making their way down my cheeks. More tears kept falling, I couldn't stop them. It was just silent crying, I wasn't sobbing, no noise left my lips. I hear a soft knock on my door, and I didn't bother to get up and see who it was. The door clicked as it was opened slowly, my guess is the person gave up waiting for me to answer. The door clicked again, as it closed. I heard footsteps coming closer and closer to my bed, knowing it was Wes. I heard him kick his shoes off, pull up a part of my comforter, and slipped into my bed beside me.

"Hey. Babe." I heard Wes whisper. I didn't respond. He sighed and pulled me into his arms. I broke down. I buried myself into his chest, sobbing loudly.

"Shhh. It's ok baby. Shhh," he kept whispering in my ear. I kept crying into his shoulder. His shirt had a wet spot from my tears, but I don't think he minded.

"Why are you crying, beautiful? What's wrong?"

"I-I don't know. I guess all of my emotions and insecurities got too much, and I was just sad. Because I just, I feel really-" "shhh, you don't need to explain. Just let it all out, babe." And that's what I did. I cried even more, by now his shoulder was soaked with my tears. He was rubbing my back with his fingertips, which calmed me down a lot. He then started running his fingers through my hair, calming me even more. On top of all the back-rubbing and hair-combing, he started singing Hallelujah (the one he posted on his IG a while ago 😍). Once he finished singing, I finally stopped crying. I looked up at him, my blood-shot eyes meeting his perfect hazel ones. He brought his hand up to my cheek, softly rubbing it. His lips quickly found mine; a soft kiss, almost to the point his lips were barely on mine, as if I was a piece of glass about to break if I were to be touched.

"Um, Wes, I kinda soaked your shirt with my tears," I say after we pulled away. He smiled.

"No problem."

He took his shirt off like it was nothing. I smiled at his body, which he hid quickly with my comforter. I sighed and cuddled up into him again. I pressed a kiss to his neck once I was comfy, as that was the spot I could reach without moving.

"Go to sleep, (Y/N). I can tell you're tired and haven't gotten a good nights sleep in a while. I'll be right here when you wake up. Goodnight baby."

"Goodnight Wes. I love you so much," I quietly whispered.

"I love you too, beautiful." That was the last thing I heard, and I fell asleep in his arms.

Wes Tucker imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now