First PressPlay for Marilyn

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This is a request from xaprfx i hope you like it 😊

Your POV:

Today I was going to PressPlay with Wes, but I was so nervous. It was the first time I'd be going, and I would also be meeting his fans, which I've never done. I was so scared of what they would think of me, or what they would do to me. When I finally got up, I got dressed in a t-shirt and jeans and slipped on my shoes. Wes was already up, styling his hair in the bathroom. Once he was done, we grabbed our phones and each other's hands, making our way down to where the event was. I held Wes's hand tightly, never wanting to leave his side.

"Marilyn, you'll be fine, okay. I'll stay by your side the whole time. I won't let you out of my sight, okay?" He asked quietly, pressing a kiss to my temple.

"Well you're gonna have to, you know. You can't hug your fans and have me glued to your side. It's not gonna work." He shook his head and rolled his eyes, as I moved closer to him. We walked over to his table and stood there, waiting for the event to start. As I was telling Wes a story about some very tumblr Polaroids I took a few days ago, I could hear girls screaming. I looked up to see girls running all over the place; some to Cody's line, some to Drew's, and some just going to random spots and start talking. I immediately moved closer to Wes and clung to his side.

"Baby, it'll be fine. They'll love you, okay?" I rolled my eyes.

"Can you just shut up? You've said this many times. I still don't believe you. Sorry babe," I say sassily, winking at him. He gasped and put a hand over his heart, acting like he was hurt. He just giggled as I stared at him, unamused. A group of girls were intently watching us, and I felt insecure, awkward, and unwanted. I stepped to the side and let the first girl come up. She hugged Wes and smiled at me. I softly smiled back, trying not to get jealous; I know just because he hugs them doesn't mean he wants to date them, but I can't help that I get jealous at times. They pulled away and posed for pictures. After she walked away from him, she came up to me.

"Hey, are you Marilyn?"

"Yeah," I smiled at her.

"Oh my gosh! Hi! I just wanna say that you're so pretty and I love your eyes so much! They're so pretty," she complimented my grey eyes.

"Aw, thank you so much. That means a lot."

"So how is dating Wes?" She asked curiously. I laughed a little.

"It's great. He's so affectionate and loving. He's always concerned about me, it's so adorable," I gushed.

"Does he sing you to sleep?"

"Yeah. Sometimes. To be honest, he's usually asleep whenever I'm still awake. So it's very rare," she giggled and looked at him.

"I can tell you make him happy. Please don't break his heart." I smiled softly and nodded.

"I could never." She asked for a hug, which I gave her, then she walked away. Wes looked at me and smiled, stepping over beside me.

"I see you getting along with my fans. What'd she say?"

"Oh nothing. She just asked what it's like dating you."

"Oh yeah? What'd you say?" He asked with a smirk.

"I told her the truth. It's the worst. You never sing me to sleep, ugh. And you always drool on me when you sleep," I joked. He whined and pushed me away playfully. He went back to his spot a few inches away from me and went back to meeting fans. One by one, excluding a few, girls came up to me after they met Wes and talked to me for a little. Some even asked for pictures, which I was surprised about. Another one came up to me and grinned.

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