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hey everyone! I'm somewhat back, idk how active I'm going to be, but I will be accepting requests again, and will be back to writing old requests. again, if you send in a request, please be patient!!! sending me messages asking when it'll be done will stress me out, I get that you want it written quickly, but I can't do that. I can sometimes, but with everything I have going on rn in my life, I can't

anyways, I did delete a part of the wedding series I did, I just didn't like it, so sorry

and as you can see, I did end the Cody Herbinko book, because of what he did, which I do no support him for.

BUT, I do have a new book out!!! Harry Styles Imagines, if you wanna check that out. I only have one posted atm, but I hope to have more soon. you can also send in requests for that one, same standards apply. I might make an exception and write for maybe Niall a few times, or maybe Fionn Whitehead, but idk what I want to do. 

just want to update you guys on my life...I STARTED SENIOR YEAR LAST THURSDAY!! MY LAST YEAR OF HIGH SCHOOL!! I will be going to college afterwards to pursue journalism/photoj, and maybe minor in art history, depending on if I like the class I'm taking next semester. but, my choice for that amor stemmed from writing this book, pretty much. the feeling I get after seeing that over 70,000 people from so many different countries around the world (which I can't see rn bc my laptop's being stupid 🙄) but knowing my work is seen from across the world, knowing people enjoy it (hopefully) it makes me feel so happy. so yeah...

anyways, I will. be posting soon, idk when but hopefully in the next couple of days :)

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