You're stressed

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Your POV:

Finals are currently killing me. I'm so stressed at this point in the semester, all I've been doing is studying, every single night. I haven't seen Wes in about two weeks, since he got back from a PressPlay event; he understands, though, which I love about him. At the moment, I was working on my algebra review, on the verge of crying from not understanding how to do anything we did in the beginning of the year, even with our notes in front of me. I was focused on favoring an equation, when my phone started buzzing and ringing. I sighed, throwing my pencil down and checking to see who it was: Wes. I answered the call.

(Bold is you, italics is Wes)


Hey babe. How's studying going? 

Terrible. I don't understand anything, and I'm so stressed and focused on getting a good grade to keep the grade I have in the class and-

Baby, hey, calm down, okay? You'll do fine. Every time you say you're going to do bad, you don't. You end up getting a really good grade. So don't doubt yourself, okay?

Okay. Thanks, Wes. And I'm sorry for not being able to hang out with you since you got home. I really want to, but I just have to study.

No problem. I completely understand. Do you need anything at the moment? Hot chocolate? Coffee? Smoothie?

Um, no I'm good for now. I have to get back to studying. I'll talk to you later, okay? 

Yeah, I'll see you later. Love you.

Love you too, Wes.

I ended the call and immediately got back to studying. I decided to finally turn on some classical music, to help me concentrate more. (this actually works lol. I got most of my reviews and studying done when listening to it)

It helped a lot, as I had finished my Biology and English reviews, after giving up on math for a little. I went back, and surprisingly got most of the problems done; I did the ones that I for sure knew, and decided to figure the rest out later. While I was cleaning my bed up a little, sorting out all of my papers into their folders, my bedroom door opened, and I saw Wes standing there, two cups of Jamba Juice in his hand. I sighed happily and gave him a small smile.

"Hey, you. I figured you would need a break from studying, and I haven't seen you in a while." He set the smoothies down and I stood up from my bed and ran over to him, jumping into his arms; I never realized how much I missed him until I was in his arms again. After a while, I pulled away and pressed my lips to him. 

"Gosh I missed you so much," he mumbled through the kiss.

"I missed you, too. Thank you so much for coming, I really needed a break. And thanks for the smoothies."

"No problem, babe. I got you your favorite. Strawberries Wild." I smiled widely and ran over to where they were, grabbing mine and taking a sip from it.

"So how much did you get done tonight?"

"I surprisingly got a lot done, actually. I finished most of my study guides, and most of my math. I studied for (language, so I think I'm gonna do good," I told him, sighing. He gave me a soft smile and rubbed my forearms gently.

"You'll do fine, babe. I know you will. With how much you've been studying, and for how long, I'm 100% sure you'll pass, or do well enough on it. And if you don't, its just one bad grade. Just because you might not pass an exam one time, one year, doesn't mean colleges won't accept you. Everyone has their bad moments and bad tests. Don't worry too much, (Y/N), okay? You're going to make yourself crazy," I nodded and hugged him, falling back onto my bed. 

"Take a break, (Y/N). I can tell you need one. Cuddle with me, drink some Jamba Juice, we can put on a movie or Bob's Burgers, or whatever you want. Just top studying for a while, give your eyes and brain a break."

"Okay." I opened my laptop and got onto Netflix, putting on the episode I left off on of Lost. I smiled and sighed happily.

"Thank you, Wes. I love you."

"I love you too, baby." For the rest of the night, we watched Lost, cuddled, drinking our smoothies. I actually had a stress-free night, as Wes refused to let me study any more since he got to my house.

Sorry this is kinda short lol. Finals are stressing me out, AND I ONLY HAVE 4 MORE AND 2 DAYS UNTIL IM ON WINTER BREAK!!! I'm also dying my hair blonde on Thursday and I'm so excited!! 😄 oh and thank you all so much for over 16K reads :)

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