Ex boyfriend's best friend for Chelsea

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This was a request from chelsea2601 I hope you like it 😊

Your POV:

Wesley Tucker. The boy I was completely in love with. But there was one problem.

He's my ex-boyfriend's best friend.

My ex-boyfriend, Joe, and him have been best friends ever since they were little; I met Wes when he moved to my neighborhood. Wes was actually the one who set us up; I became good friends with him as Joe and I continued to date and hang out every once in a while. I eventually broke up with him because I had feelings, strong feelings, for Wes; I didn't tell him that was the reason I was breaking up with him, I told him it was because I was too scared of a big commitment at the time. I knew that if Wes and I started dating, he would lash out on me and bring up the point that I was 'scared of commitment.' Which I wasn't. I just wasn't in love with him; we only dated for about a month or two. We did end on good terms, he was understanding of why I was breaking it off, he didn't yell at me, and we ended up staying friends. But I know if I start dating Wes, he'll get mad and/or figure out that I lied to him. As my mind races with all of these thoughts, I sighed, closing my eyes as I laid back on my bed. I thought everything on my mind over.

I wanna date Wes, but Joe is gonna be mad at me.

But what if he wasn't? What if he understands?

I was interrupted by my phone beeping with a text. I picked it up, still laying down, and saw that it was from Wes.

Wes 😚:
Morning Chelsea 😘 I was wondering if you want to come over and hang out with a couple of the guys today at my house?

To Wes 😚:
Of course! Who's gonna be there?

Wes 😚:
I actually only invited Jason and Joe. Is that ok?

To Wes 😚:
Yeah that's fine. I'll be over in a few

He didn't reply but he read it, I got up and started to get dressed. I put on a pair of jeans and a shirt, slipped my shoes on, grabbed my phone and keys, and left to drive over to Wes's. I can tell this isn't going to end well; possibly ending with either Wes finding out I like him, Joe finding out that I lied to him, and possibly losing both of them as friends. I sighed as I pulled up into his driveway, getting out and walking to his door. I felt like I needed to knock, so I did. Wes answered the door and smiled at me.

"Hey Chelsea. Come in. Joe is already here, we're waiting on Jason now." I smiled back at him and walked inside, following him to the basement. I saw Joe sitting on the couch looking down at his phone. He must've heard us walking because he looked up and smiled at us.

"Hey, Chelsea. How are you?"

"I'm good," I quietly replied. He smiled and nodded, looking back down at his phone, as I sat down on the opposite side of the couch.

"Do you want anything to drink, Chels?" Wes asked.

"Um, some water, thank you." He walked over to a mini fridge and grabbed a small bottle of water and threw it at me. I opened it and took a drink, setting it on the floor in front of the couch.

"What movie are we watching?" Joe asked.

"I don't know, whatever everyone's in the mood for. We'll just look through Netflix and see what we wanna watch." He nodded and turned the TV on. Wes sat down in the middle of us, grabbing the remote from Joe. He turned Netflix on and started to flip through the movies. All of a sudden, the basement door opened and Jason walked in.

"Hey. Wes, your mom let me in because apparently you didn't get my text that I was here," he gave a dirty yet playful look. They both laughed and Jason plopped down in the recliner next to the couch.

Wes Tucker imaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora