Picking Names part 1 - Baby Series

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Your POV:

I was at work cleaning tables, making coffee, and doing everything I needed to do. I work at a Starbucks near mine and Wes's apartment, just as a part-time job so I can help support us; plus I have college so I didn't want a tiring and too-stressful job. My shift changed to working as a barista, so I started to take orders and make their drinks. Today was extra tiring for some reason, the baby would not stop kicking and moving around, my feet were starting to hurt, and my back was aching. I decided to push through the pain, knowing Wes would give me a massage, like usual when I start to get really achy. Being about 6 months pregnant now, Wes and I had been thinking about names for the baby. I had thought of some, but haven't found any that I like. So, being a barista, I listened closely to any guys' names that stood out to me. I didn't want a basic name, like Jacob, or Alex, or Brandon. I wanted a kind of unique name, one that you don't hear often, but not weird and never heard of. I know the middle name I wanted, I just wasn't sure if Wes wanted it. I spent the rest of my shift with hawk-like hearing, kind of distracted with picking names. I sighed heavily, looking up at the clock as I gave the last customer, for now, their drink. I jumped with excitement as I saw my shift was over. I hung my apron in and clocked out, power walking to the back to grab my stuff. I checked my phone to see I had a text from Wes.

From: Wesleyy 💙

I'm making some dinner for when you come home, and I'm about to start a bath so you can relax before eating. I know you probably had a stressful day ❤️

To: Wesleyy 💙

Thank you so much baby. I really appreciate it. I've had a stressful day, the baby wouldn't stop moving for about an hour, and my feet and back are aching. Can I have a massage when I get home, when I'm eating?

From: Wesleyy 💙

Of course beautiful. Anything for you 😘

His texts put a huge smile on my face, now anxious to get home. I walked out of the store, calling a taxi. Once catching one, I slipped in, happy to be off my feet, and told the driver the address of my apartment building. When he pulled in front, I payed and thanked him, climbing out and trudging up to my apartment. When I opened the door, I was hit with an amazing smell of pasta and sauce. I sighed happily, dropping my bag down next to the door, walking into the kitchen to see Wes. He smiled when he saw me, walking over and pressing a kiss to my lips, then one to my belly.

"How was your day?"

"Tiring. I'm happy to be home."

"So your bath is all ready. When you're done, come out and we'll sit and eat on the couch, well I already ate so the pasta is really for you only. I can give you a foot massage while you eat. How does that sound?" I grinned widely and kissed his cheek.

"Perfect. I can't thank you enough." He giggled a little and pushed me towards the bathroom.

"Relax. Take all the time you need, okay?" I nodded and he left me alone, back to finishing my dinner. I sat in the warm water for about 20 minutes, thinking over things, mostly baby names, but of course the baby decided to wake up and he started to move around again.

"Baby boy, please, stop kicking for one night. Just take a nap. Go to sleep early," I complained to my exposed belly. He actually seemed to listen, as he stopped moving and settled down. I smiled softly and closed my eyes, leaning my head back. I sat like that until the water started to get cold, so I drained the tub and started to get dressed. I was dressed in one of Wes's old shirts, as many of mine did not fit at the moment, and a pair of shorts, as I get uncomfortably warm when I sleep. I walked back into the kitchen to see everything cleaned up, the dining room table empty, and noise coming from the living room. I strolled towards the couch to see a plate of my favorite pasta dish: spaghetti with Alfredo sauce and parmesan cheese, with breadsticks on a plate next to it. I grinned widely and plopped on the couch next to Wes.

"Do you like it?" He shyly asked. I nodded and gave him a side hug, as best as I could.

"Lay back and I'll let you eat while I give you a massage." I sighed and laid back on the couch, Wes handing me the plate of food, and Wes sitting at my feet. I began to eat while he began to rub my foot, my muscles relaxing already.

"This will be a good time to talk about names," he spoke up after about 5 minutes of watching TV quietly.

"I have a name for his middle name, I just can't think of a first name that I like. I don't want a common name, like Alex or Dylan."

"You wanna start at A and work our way through the names that come to mind?" He suggested. I nodded and started to think.

"I'll say one then you'll say one, we can choose which one we like or don't like, write the one we like down. Or if we don't like either we move on," he added before we started.

"Andrew?" He suggested.

"Aiden," was my response. He nodded. I grabbed my phone and opened a new note, titled 'baby names' and typed Aiden.

We went through all of the A names we could think of, moving on to B, then C, and after about an hour we were at Z.

"Zach, or Zachary," he sighed tiredly.

"Wes we can stop for tonight." He shook his head

"No, I love this. I love sitting here with you, talking about our future. Its not even that late, I just barely slept last night. Lets keep doing this. Okay, do you have a name for Z, then we'll look through the ones we like and narrow them down." I started to think for the last time, and came up with Zeke. I wrote down my suggestion and looked over the whole list of names; there was two names for each letter, well we skipped a few because we didn't like any names we thought of.

NAMES: (comment on the ones you like if you want :) I need some input 😂)

• Aiden

• August

• Brennan

• Bentley

• Cole (middle name)

• Charlie

• Domonic

• Dalton

• Graham

• Hudson

• Jasper

• Jude

• Kolton

• Landon

• Nolan

• Oliver

• Peyton

• Paxton

• Reed

• Watson

• Xavier

• Xander

• Zeke

Lol sorry this is long and boring, but I had a name I wanted in mind, but then I started to not like it, so I went with this idea instead. You can comment on which name you like, or suggest a name or another middle name, bc of right now I don't have one picked out yet 😬 and I'll probably do a part 2 of this, just bc I wanted to do more with this chapter, where they actually choose

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