Request for Kyla

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I apologize for how long this took!! i started it, and then all of a sudden i had 4 quizzes and tests to study for and an essay due in english. but it's here now!! this is a request for @CoolKyla213 I hope you like it :) also i apologize if this is bad, i wrote the rest in one night, bc the upcoming few days are going to be hard for me emotionally, and i know i probably wasn't going to write during that time :(

Your POV:

My hair was in a towel, drying from the shower I just took, my clothes set out on my bed waiting to be put on, and music playing in the background while I applied my makeup. There is a PressPlay event in my city today, and I was beyond excited my parents allowed me to go. I couldn't wait to meet everyone, especially Wes. He's just such an amazing guy, he's so pure, and so adorable. I couldn't wait to finally be in his arms, to see how it feels; I bet he gives the best hugs.

About twenty minutes later, I was just finishing blow drying my hair, my outfit complete, and my nerves growing more and more. Being very shy and meeting a celebrity isn't exactly the greatest scenario. Yes, I am excited and, happy, but I'm also anxious and scared. What if I embarrass myself in front of Wes? What if I freak out right before I meet him? What if I get scared and not say anything? He'll probably think I'm weird as hell then.

I finished the final touches on my hair, spraying some perfume all over, and packed my things I would need today.

"Mom, I'm leaving!" My voice echoed through the house. I didn't hear a response, so I guess she was out at the moment. I grabbed my keys and slipped to my car. I jammed out to a bunch of songs, one of course being Strong,

I arrived at the venue, quickly parked, and ran to the line that was forming outside of the doors. I stood by myself awkwardly, just wanting the event to start already. Thankfully, right as I was thinking that they need to open the doors now, they did. Breathing a sigh of relief, I followed the line, moving inside to the cool air conditioning. Did I mention it was about 85 degrees out? Maybe even hotter. Ugh, great, now Wes will think I'm just a sweaty mess. But, preparing for this ahead of time, I brought a stick of deodorant and some body spray so it wasn't terrible.

*skip to M&G*

Your POV:

My hands were shaking and sweaty, my legs were trembling, all because my turn to meet Wes was getting closer and closer. Finally, it was down to one girl in front of me. My breathing started to falter, my whole body shaking at this point, and I could feel tears forming in my eyes. The girl left, and Wes turned his head towards me. His hands lifted and gestured me over to him, but I could barely walk. I had to force myself to walk, finally reaching his presence. As soon as his arms were wrapped around my shoulders, everything went away. It felt like we were the only two people in this room, I felt every stressful situation going on with school disappear, being in his arms is the best feeling in the world.

"Well, hello, beautiful. How are you?" He asked when we pulled away, against my want. I smiled brightly at him as I felt his hands grab mine.

"I'm great. I'm so happy I finally got to meet you. I've been supporting you for forever," I chuckled softly. He smiled and giggled as well; that has to be the most beautiful sound ever.

"Well, I'm glad to hear that. Do you have something hat you want signed?" I handed him the poster that I bought at the merch stand. He kept looking and smiling at me while signing, taking longer than a simple autograph.

"Um, can we take a picture with this pose?" I showed him a pic on my phone of a fan pose.

"And then one where we're holding hands, but only my hand is in the frame, as well as you," I started, but my voice quieted down more and more as I went on, realizing that I probably sounded like an idiot.

"Totally. And you don't have to be embarrassed..."

"Kyla. My name's Kyla."

"That's a beautiful name for a beautiful girl," he smirked at me. My cheeks grew a shade darker, and I looked down at my shoes. We took both pictures, and it came to the time where we had to say goodbye.

"I'm so happy that I finally got to meet you. I will honestly never forget this, and I can't express how much I love you, Wes. And I will continue to support you, no matter what."

"Thank you, baby girl. Now, I just have one question." I nodded, signaling him to ask it.

"Did you feel that spark when we first hugged?" He whispered in my ear, my guess was because he didn't want other fans to hear. My heart started to race, and I smiled softly.

"Yeah, I did. Your hugs are amazing by the way," I complimented, causing him to blush this time.

"I really do hope to see you soon," he said as he pulled me into an another amazing hug. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, but I decided to ignore it, knowing he probably says that to everyone. We pulled away, and right before I could leave, he pressed a kiss to my cheek. I looked up at him with a shocked expression, but all he did was wink at me. I was now being whisked away by a security guard as the next fan walked up to meet him.

Who knew that wouldn't be the last time I saw Wes Tucker?

*A month later*

Your POV:

After that PressPlay event a month ago, Wes and I have texted nonstop, every day. Turns out he gave me his number when he signed my poster, and every since that, we've become friends, and actually even more. About a couple days ago, he asked to meet up at a well-known park in Phoenix, where we both live, and he asked me to be his girlfriend while we were stargazing. It was the most perfect moment and the most perfect setting, I can't believe this is all real. At the moment, Wes and I are sat in his apartment, cuddling on the couch and watching some TV show. I wasn't exactly watching it, my mind was thinking so many different things.

"What's on your mind, babe?" He asked, stroking my arm with his thumb.

"Just thinking."

"About?" He pushed further.

"Us." He smirked.

"What about us? It's nothing bad, right?" His smirk falls and is replaced by a frown.

"No, no. Don't worry. I'm just thinking about how you asked me to be your girlfriend, and how I went from being just another fan, to being your girlfriend. I don't, it just still doesn't seem real to me. Not that I don't see myself with you or anything, but like, it's crazy to think," I trailed off, my mind still wandering on how all of this happened.

"Baby, I could go on and on about why you're different than most girls, and why I chose you over anyone else, and why I'm with you. I could be talking for ages. But I want you to know you mean so much to me, Kyla. Remember that, okay?" I nodded and closed my eyes as he pressed kisses all over my face, landing on my lips for a few seconds.

Who knew that Wes Tucker was so cheesy and sweet?

this ending sucks, i apologize. it's currently one in the morning, and i legit cannot think of any way to end it. but i hope you liked it Kyla!! and i still feel so bad this too FOREVER to write

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