Realizing - Wedding Series

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Wes's POV:

(Y/N) and I were walking around the mall in my hometown, Rose and Sarah were also with us. The girls went into Sephora while I waited outside of the store for them. I looked into the store and saw (Y/N) smiling and laughing with the others, and it makes me so happy; happy that she can get along with two of the closest people in my life. I looked through my phone while I waited for them. It was about another 10 minutes and they were finally done. I smiled as (Y/N) walked over to me and grabbed my hand.

"What'd you buy, babe?" I asked her once we started walking towards another store.

"I bought some new eye shadow and eye liner," she smiled. Honestly, I don't even think she needed makeup to be beautiful. (Y/N) said she had to go to her bathroom, so Sarah, Rose, and I waited for her on a bench.

"So, Wes. What's up with you? You seem off today." I heard Rose ask. I shrugged. It was true. I've been thinking for a while now, I wanna propose to (Y/N). For some reason, seeing her get along so well with my best friend and sister made me realize that I want to marry her. I smiled and replied to her.

"I wanna marry (Y/N)."

That's all I said. They looked at me with shocked expressions on their faces.

"Wha-what? Wes, are you being serious?" Sarah asked. I nodded. I didn't see what was so wrong about it, we've been together for 3 years, we were both in our 20s; we may be young, but I had no doubt in my mind that I wanted to spend my life with her.

"Are you 100% sure? Don't rush into things if you don't think you'll be able to handle it," Rose replied, worryingly.

"Yeah I'm 100% sure. We've been together for 3 years, I've known her for 5 years. She's the most perfect girl in the world. I would be an idiot if I didn't marry her." They both still had a surprised expression across their faces, but it soon turned into excitement. Sarah side-hugged one side, and Rose on the other.

"I'm so happy for you, Wes!! My little brother is growing up! Aww!" I laughed. Rose was about to say something but she was interrupted by my beautiful girlfriend standing in front of us. She had a confused look on her face.

"Um, what's going on?"

"Oh nothing. We were just messing around with Wes," Sarah replied smoothly. I smiled and stood up, grabbing (Y/N)'s hand, and continuing to walk around. We passed a jewelry store, Rose and Sarah giving me a look. I shook my head and mouthed 'later' and they nodded. After going in to a couple other stores, we all decided to go get some food. We all split up, going to different food chains; (Y/N) went to Charley's, Sarah and I went to Panda Express, and Rose went to Chick-Fil-A.

"So, when are you gonna propose? Have you found a ring yet? Have you told mom?"

"Sarah, chill. I've only been thinking about this for a couple weeks now. You and Rose are the first people I told. Of course I talked to (Y/N) about marriage, and she also wants to get married. I have been looking at rings online, but I haven't been to the actual store yet. I want to propose soon, maybe in like a month. I need time to plan it, figure out when I'm gonna propose and everything. I know it sounds cheesy, but i wanna get her dad's blessing first. It's tradition." She smiled but didn't respond, as it was her turn to order her food.

*skipping eating*

When we finished eating, we decided to go back home, since we were all tired. As usual, I held (Y/N)'s hand as we walked out of the mall and to Sarah's car. Once we were home, after dropping Rose off, me and (Y/N) walked up to my room, and fell onto my bed.

"Hey, go to sleep, baby. I can tell you're really tired," I laughed as she could barely keep her eyes open. She nodded, got up and changed into some of my clothes, then laid back down on my bed.

"I'm gonna go hang out with Sarah so you can get some rest, ok?"

"Ok. Goodnight Wes."

"Goodnight, baby. Love you." She didn't respond, but closed her eyes and fell fast asleep. I quietly closed the door and made my way to my mom's room. I walked in to see her reading a magazine on her bed, and I sat down next to her. She set her magazine down and looked at me.

"What's up, Wes?" I sighed and looked at her.

"I wanna propose to (Y/N). I wanna marry her." She smiled so big and gave me a huge hug.

"Oh my gosh, Wesley! Oh my gosh! I'm so happy for you!" At this point she was crying. I laughed a little and gave her a tissue.

"When are you gonna propose? Have you found a ring? Do you need help finding a ring?" I laughed again, and Sarah walked in the room.

"I heard mom crying and I figured it had something to do with you," she said as she sat down on the bed also.

"Yeah. I'm gonna go find a ring tomorrow, and (Y/N) is gonna spend the day with her family that lives here. Rose is gonna come with me, and will you two mind coming with me, also? I'm gonna need all the help I can get." They laughed and nodded.

"Of course we will. Do you know the size of ring she needs?" My mom asked. I nodded. I only knew because I was with her when we bought our class rings during our last year of high school.

"Ok. If it's not right and the ring doesn't fit, you can always go back to the jewelers and get the ring fitted," my mom replied. The three of us talked for a little more, then I remembered I had to talk to her dad.

"Um, I gotta go call someone. I'll be right back." I ran out of the room and down into the living room, sat on the couch, and found her dad's number in my phone. I pressed his name, it rang a couple times, before he picked up.


"Hi (Y/D/N), this is Wes. I was just calling to, um, talk to you about something important."

"Ok. What is it? Did you get my daughter pregnant?"

I laughed.

"No. But um, I know it's tradition, so I wanted to ask for your blessing for me to ask her to marry me."

It was silent for a few minutes. I checked to see if the call was still connected, and it was. I was about to say something, when he spoke.

"Of course you have my blessing. You make her so happy, I couldn't see her marrying anyone else. Yeah, it is soon, but I approve. You can ask her." I smiled so big and thanked him about 100 times. We talked for a few more minutes before I hung up. I still had a huge grin on my face, as I went up to my room to go to sleep. I stripped down to my boxers and slid into my bed, pulling (Y/N) into my arms. She was still asleep, but she curled into my body subconsciously. I smiled and started to think.

She's gonna be my wife soon.

I'm gonna be able to wake up to her every day.

She's gonna be (Y/N) Tucker.

I fell asleep with so many happy thoughts on my mind.

Wes Tucker imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now