The Email

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(yo what's poppin kiddos?

If ya liked this book and thought 'hey this kid is sort of not really a good writer' or 'I miss their writing. plz come back.' then you're in luck!

hell no I aint returning here sorry. but I have another account! yay what fun. anyway, its i-can-write, have fun. Also PM me story ideas.)

(Your POV)

"BEEP BEEP BEEP!" my stupid alarm clock chimed.

"Sleep, sleep, sleep!" I sassily remarked to the tune of the annoying beeping. I decided to get out of bed anyway, even though I really didn't want to. I ended up putting on my favourite outfit of all time, (F/O). I decided to make some coffee and watch YouTube, like usual. After I finished making my coffee, I sat down and decided to check my channel named '(Y/C/N)'. I had a sip of my coffee and almost spat it out in shock at what I saw.
"What, when, why, who and how?" I screamed excitedly, sitting my coffee down. I instantly started up my camera and hit record as fast as I could.

"Hey, how are you guys out there?! I'm (Y/C/N) and I'm doing fabulous! Anyway, you will not believe what I just discovered!" I frantically screamed into my camera, waving my arms.

"We, yes we, just hit, drum roll please!" I started to use my desk as a drum, "we just hit 16 million subscribers! I know, it's insane!" I yelled excitedly.

"Ding!" my email notification went suddenly.

"Hold on one sec guys." I said as I paused the recording and checked my emails. I looked at the most recent email and noticed it was an email from 'THE PAX PRIME ORGINIZERS'! I quickly scanned through the email, until one spot caught my attention:

'Dear (Y/C/N),
We would like to invite you to the first 8 people panel! Guests are including nicolaisafailure, AmazingPhil, alternativechloe, Daniel Howell, Madooken, Jacksepticeye, (Y/C/N) and Markiplier. It is at (where ever it was or is) and (whatever date it is or was) from 6:00-7:30 pm. There is also a second panel, the same time, place and day, but the week after. There will also be meet and greets afterwards if you're interested.

Please tell us ASAP if you will be able to attend the panel/s. We would appreciate it if you could.

-Pax Prime Organizers.'

Holy balls!

I reread the email at least three times, before checking the dates and my schedule. I grinned, realising it was going to be in only a week.I quickly typed a reply, letting them know I could be at both panels and would love to do meet and greets. Because I live where it's going to be, it'll be much easier to get there and back, so I was now even more excited.

"Next week! Yes!" I cheered, throwing my arms in the air happily. I felt like packing, even though I didn't have to pack, nor did Mark. We both live pretty much where it's gonna be. My YouTube friends had to pack though. Madooken and Jack lived in apartments next to each other in Brighton, Nicola and Chloe live in an apartment together next to Dan and Phil in London.

"Hmm, now wh- OH! My recording!" I said, messing about to find my camera again so I can tell my (Y/FB/N) about me going to the first 8 people panel. After I explained that situation to them, I decided to do a little YouTube stalking and check out the other 7 people who got invited to the panel.


It turns out, everyone invited was as excited to go as I was, and they uploaded videos quicker than I did! Nicola and Dan did one, Phil and Chloe did one, Mady and Jack also did one, but since Mark didn't really talk to me that often, we filmed separate videos.

"What time is it?" I questioned myself, looking at my computer's clock to reveal I'd only been awake for two hours.

"Ten AM, really? I'll record some videos." I smiled, setting up my camera to do a QnA.

"Screw it, I do it live." I laughed, tweeting about the live stream, I asked everyone to use the hashtag '#fatskeletons'.

"Lets go." I muttered, starting the live stream.

"Hey guys! I'm back for a Q and A! I've got a vlog  that I'm going to upload tomorrow, if I can edit it in time." I laughed, reading through the comments, not really reading them as they were quickly being eaten by other comments.

"Yes! I know I've hit sixteen million! I know it's still so surreal to me!" I laughed, noticing half of the comments were congratulating me.

"Okay, okay, calm down! I need to answer your burning questions!" I giggled, opening Twitter and searching '#fatskeletons'.

"Alright, I'm just going to scroll through these- oh, there's actually a fat skeleton!" I laughed, showing the viewers the picture of the poorly animated skeleton.

"First question is from '@McdonaldsUndies', and they're asking 'what is your favourite colour of the alphabet?' Oh, it's definitely got to be kangaroo." I laughed moving onto the next question.

"Alrighty, '@stickyLestowell', okay, first of all, what the fuck? Nevermind, they asked 'who is your fav youtuberr?' With a double 'r' and no capitals. Uh, me of course, who else?" I asked, putting on an annoying high voice.

"Does anyone apart from me unironically use the word 'lmao' in a normal conversation?" I asked the chat, laughing slightly.

"Most of the chat says 'lmao yes' which has got me confused, so I'm just gonna keep that like there for now." I laughed reading more questions.


"Alright, this has been the longest live stream I have ever done, I reckon. I mean, I stopped it half way through, ate and rested for an hour or two than came back, it's now about... nine pm. That's about nine-ish hours I have been playing games and answering questions for you guys, despite that, I hope you enjoyed this live stream, and I'll be back to annoy you guys soon!" I laughed, waving and ending the live stream. I leaned back in my chair and let out a long sigh.

I wonder if I can upload the content from games and questions as separate videos, gosh I am lazy, I probably will.

"Okay, I'm going too go to bed before I collapse." I muttered to myself, turning the living room lights off and walking into my bedroom. I quickly threw my clothes off and snuggled into some pyjamas, crawling under the covers of my bed, falling asleep thinking about the following week.

(I've replaced the 'time skips' with three asterisks)

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