Fluffy Friends (Not in story line)

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Okay to start off with, this chapter is dedicated to .FluffyYoutubers Her name gave me a strange idea! So just putting it out there, this isn't in the story line, just for fun!

(Your POV)


I randomly texted my boyfriend just to see his reaction.

'Umm, what?'

he replied back about 10 seconds later.

"What do you do when you're bored?" I texted almost falling off the couch that I was half on, half off.

"You know I'm basically in the same room!" he shouted from the kitchen.

"But I'm bored!" I shouted back to him, waiting to receive a good answer this time round.

"Hey, since Vidcon is still on, a lot of YouTubers are here! We could have a party here!" He suggested walking in with a floral apron on.

"Okay, but if we are, I suggest you take that off!" I laughed at him, and ended up falling off the couch with a loud thud.

"Ouch," I said very sarcastically to the couch.

"Don't be sassy to the holy couch!" Mark said laughing.

"Help meh!" I said pathetically, making grabby hands towards Mark.

"Fine," He sighed pulling me up from my awkward position on the ground.

"Anyway, I'll plan everything, and you send out invitations, via email, text, letter, whatever works for ya. Oh, and get the food!" I said after him as he walked out of the living room to the kitchen were his phone was still lying on the bench.

Okay, now for my worst nightmare. Shopping!

I got up and got into my good going out clothes, A.K.A jeans and a plain white T-shirt. I got a backpack instead of a handbag. Well, I also didn't have a good handbag. Apart from my Deathly Hallows one.

"Okay, I'm going now!" I said to Mark.
"Bye!" I giggled, walking out of the house we had been living in for two years.

(~Le time skip~)

"MY LIFE IS OVER!" I cried walking into my shared house.

"What happened?!" Mark asked.

"Sit down," I replied sitting down on the Holy Couch, Mark joining me.

"Well first off, the damn automatic doors didn't work, then I realized that they were broken and you had to push them, then I realized that store wasn't even open. So I was standing there pushing these damn doors when the shop was closed, so when I realized that it was closed, I turned around to see all these people staring at me. Then when I went to leave, I turned around for one quick glance at them, to see that they were now pulling the doors, then some guy who worked there came up to them and slapped them because he thought they were trying to break into the shop! Then I went to another shop and the cashier kept dropping things then apologizing, drop apologize, drop apologize. Well the only good thing that came out of that experience, was that I took some sneaky pics of Chloe and Phil on a date and blew up every social media I have!" I spat out quickly, laughing, and struggling for air because I said so much in one massive breath.

"Sounds like fun," He said laughing.

"Loads, now chip chop hurry up we have to get this party started! Now do you know who's coming?" I asked franticly.

"Well, these are the people that I know are definitely coming; Mady, Jack, Nicola, Dan, Phil, Chloe, Pewds, Marzia, Jenna, Sara, Smosh-" I cut him off.

"Smosh, wow. Haven't seen them in a while, does that mean Anthony as well as Ian?" I asked.
"I believe so, also the Game Grumps, Bob, Wade, obviously us, um, I think that's it, everyone agreed to come, that I invited, so that's everyone!" He said. (P.S. I don't know how many people are in the Game Grumps. Sorry if I get something wrong.)

"Okay, lets get this party started, wait, when did you tell them to come over?" I asked.

"8 tonight," He replied.

"And, what's the time now?" I asked kinda nervous we would run outta time to prepare.

"It's only 4," He calmly stated looking at his black watch on his wrist.

"Okay, lets start setting up anyway," I replied grabbing plastic knives and forks out of my back pack I had brought.

(~Le time skip~)

"Done!" I said triumphantly falling back on our couch, with Mark.

"What's the toime now?" I asked between yawns.

"7:40," Mark said looking at his watch again.

"Okay, time to rest," He laughed, collapsing next to me.

"Well at least we did a good job at decorating," I said looking at all the YouTube decorations around the whole apartment, we even did the bathroom!

(~Another Le time skip~)

"Hey guys!" I said greeting my 4 best friends as they walked through the door.

"Aye! Wassup!" Mady said laughing and high fiving me as she walked in.

"Hey you guys, emo, tumbler fan girl, um, Sara," I laughed as they walked in.

"Green bean!" I said laughing at my new nick name for Jack.

"Smosh, Wade, Bob, Game Grumps!" I said high fiving them excitedly. It's weird they all came at the same time.

"Blue beam," Jack said pointing at my hair as I had a blue stripe in my hair, it kinda looked like a laser beam, hence the nick name.

Soon the rest of 'em arrived and we really got this party started. The strange thing was, everyone had a plastic bag.

Oh well I thought.

Soon everyone had gone to Marks room for 'Something special'. A few minutes later, everyone came out in a fluffy onesie.

"What is this?" I asked.

"I got you one," Mark said as he walked out with a fluffy golden retriever dog onesie. The one he got me was another golden retriever.

"Okay, fine!" I smirked walking into my room to get changed. A few minutes later I came downstairs wearing the onesie.

"To the park!" Sara screamed.

"Whooo! Lets go!" Mady yelled walking to the door and leaving, everyone else walking out after her, myself and Mark last.

"It's 8:20 and we're at a park dancing and singing in onesies!" I laughed to Chloe who was in a completely black onesie that had 'EMO' on it drawn in navy blue sharpie, you could just see it. She laughed with me and we continued on with the night.

(~Le time skip to when everyone is drunk and passed out at the park~)

"Oh god!" I said waking up to see Chloe and Phil awake, well since they only had 2 drinks each, whilst everyone else had about 10 drinks. I woke Mark up so we could leave, after I woke him up we left and went straight to bed considering we both had massive hangovers.

"Night Mark," I said.

"Night (Y/N)," He said leaving to his room and leaving me to sleep.

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