The Football Game

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(Mark's POV)

What to do, what to do? Why does every piece of technology I own have no battery whatsoever? I know! I'm gonna watch T.V for a change!

"Nope, nope, nope, yay! Cartoon Network!" I laughed, finishing my channel searching session.

"It's still my favorite channel, even thought I'm in my mid twenty's!" I continue aloud.

"Oh my God, it's Steven Universe! I haven't watched this in years!" I cheer.

"Ew, I don't miss ads." I laughed as the show was interrupted by ads. I watched them anyway just to see what was happening with the world, and what rubbish people want me to buy. An add came up showing that an Australian football match will be hosted near my place.

That's it! I've been wanting to take (Y/N) some where, but I didn't know where. Well, she loves Australian football, so I I'll ask her!

But instead of being the brave Markiplier, I was just sitting on the couch, staring at the dial button on my phone, worried of her reaction.

Just do it ya wimp!

I clicked the call button, waiting anxiously as each ring passed by, until finally she picked up.

"(Y/N)'s whore house, you got the dough, we got the hoe." she answered, with what I assume is her signature greeting.

"A, what on Earth was that? B, it's Mark, and I was wondering if you would like to do something this weekend?" I asked nervously, but obviously sounding cool instead.

"A, that's my greeting, saying hello is boring. B, yeah, what were you thinking of doing?" she asked, sounding fairly excited.

"Umm, you know how you used to play Aussie football when you were younger?" I asked, waiting for a response.

"Yes... " she answered slowly.

"Do you still like football?" I asked, yet another question.

"No, I still love it though." she laughed at her own joke, cute.

"Do you want to come to the Footy game with me this weekend? It's the Australian version too." I anxiously asked.

"Yeah sure! I didn't have anything on this weekend so, I'd love to go!" she replied happily. So we sorted out the times quickly, then hung up.

Nailed it!


"We're here!" I said, pulling up in the parking lot, an hour after I picked up (Y/N).

"Lovely." (Y/N) said, hopping out of the car, literally. She jumped out of the car window, casually may I add.

"Um, is that normal, or safe?" I asked confused.

"Nope, I like to live dangerously!" she grinned. I giggled at her quietly.

"I um, I think I'm stuck." she laughed, I looked at her stomach to see her hip bones were blocking her from getting out of the window.

"You're so stupid sometimes! Here, lay flat and, I'll drag you out!" I laughed, picking (Y/N) out of the car window. Getting out of the car, we started walking to the stadium entrance.

"Walking, walking, we are walking." (Y/N) started repeating over again.

"Yes, we are walking." I said laughing. I soon heard (Y/N) gasp and grab my arm.

"Can we get some food, or at least a drink?" she asked, instantly perking up.

"No, you must starve." I laughed, looking at her as she gasped.

"I'm joking, what do you want to eat?" I asked, walking over to the condiments section.

"Pizza?" she answered, more like a question, as if wanting approval from me.

"Sure! Coke as well?" I asked.

"I do not do drugs!" she grinned.

"Coca Cola, you know, the high sugar level liquid that you drink on occasions!" I laughed, elbowing her slightly.

"Oh, yeah. Sure!" she laughed.

"Cool!" I grinned, going up to order. We finished ordering our stuff and went to find our seats, which were, 123 and 124. I was looking more at the food then for our seats actually.

"Mark! Over here!" (Y/N) said yelling at me to come to where the seats were.

"Coming!" I replied, walking over to her.

"Yay, food!" she said, taking her pizza from me, and me taking my coke from her. We sat down and checked the time. Ten minutes until the game started.

"Ten minutes left." I sighed to her as I checked my watch. Suddenly, two people sat behind us with very familiar voices, just laughing and chatting away. (Y/N) must have recognised the voices as well, because she turned to me with a confused look on her face. We both turned around to face Mady and Jack.

"What are you doing here?" (Y/N) asked confused.

"Didn't you get my text?" Mady asked, checking her phone.

"No, I ran out of credit." (Y/N) laughed.

"I guess some traits do stick with ya." Mady laughed, (Y/N) soon joining in.

"Any way, my text said that Jack and I were going to stay here another few weeks because of how good the weather is here, compared to Brighton at the moment." Mady said laughing.

"And why are you here?" (Y/N) questioned further.

"Are you kidding? I love football (Y/N), you idiot, why wouldn't I come to it?" Mady replied to (Y/N).

"With Jack?" (Y/N) shot her a look like 'Ha-ha-I-know-what-you're-up-too'.

"Listen, I was going to come here by myself, but I realised I didn't have enough money because most of it's in my safe at home for a new car. So Jack offered to pay, and since I didn't want to be rude, I said yeah why not, so Jack tagged along too. There, done, end of story. No more." Mady explained.

"Are you guys on a date?" (Y/N) asked, suspicious of the two.

"Nope!" Mady said, crossing her arms and shaking her head.

"Are you guys on a date?" Mady backfired the question.

"Um.... Maybe." (Y/N) whispered, smiling.

"Ha! OTP! It's gonna happen, I can see it now! Lazy Sundays, Friday night movie nights, and a whole lot more dates." Mady grinned, laughing at how flustered (Y/N) was.

"Will not!" (Y/N) argued, blushing.

"Will too!" Mady shot back, grinning.





"Fine maybe!" (Y/N) sighed, admitting defeat.

"There we go." Mady said, laughing.

"Come on, the games about to start!" Jack said pointing to the oval, where people in various shirts of different colours could be seen running across the field.


The Football game had finished and I was driving (Y/N) home from the match. Her team won, losing me ten bucks to a bet I had with her. She was asleep in the seat next to me when we got back to her place, I knew she hated being interrupted in her sleep, so being the strong person I am, I carried her to the house, and sat her in her bed. I stared at her sleeping form for a while, until I kissed her forehead, then left to my own house, trying not to disturb her.

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