Karaoke And The Beach pt.2

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(Mark's POV)

As we walked down to the beach to find some where to set our stuff, I wasn't really expecting a scream from 14 year old girls with their phones out. I stared at them as they ran up to the eight of us. They giggled and took pictures with all of us, getting things signed then walking away, giggling. I smiled, proud that I can make people happy. It's what I love about YouTube. Taking my shirt off, leaving me in my boarding shorts, I offered to race someone.

"I'll race you!" Jack said evilly, staring me down, taking his shirt off.

"Oh, you're on!" I said, walking back to the rocks, which cut off the sand and the grass.

"On your marks, get set, go!" (Y/N) and Mady yelled in sync. They laughed as we started sprinting towards the water, full speed. We were at a tie, almost at the water. Unfortunately for Jack, I ran into the water and won!

"I did it!" I laughed, raising my hands in the air. Jack went to stop but slipped, I caught him before he fell, it looked as if I had just dipped him in some romantic part of a song.

"DOES GOD WANT SEPTIPLIER OR SOMETHING?!" I yelled out to no one in general.

"Yes." Jack laughed, standing back up properly, he apologised and moved back.

"Sorry about that Mark!" Jack laughed, Mady came rushing over to us.

"Jack is mine!" She laughed, running at him and grabbing him protectively, but in a joking matter.

"Mark is mine!" (Y/N) walked over to me, grabbing my torso, I blushed slightly. The girls stuck their tongues out at each other in a joking matter, smiling whilst still holding Jack and I.

"C'mon you four! The water is really nice!" (Y/N) called out to the other four YouTubers, as they made their way slowly to the water.

"It's cold!" Dan yelped, walking out of the water. Nicola laughed and dragged him into the water anyway.

"Hey!" Dan yelled, Nicola just laughed. Phil walked behind Dan and grabbed his shoulders, scaring Dan, Dan yelled and fell into the water. We were in waist deep water, so it was fine.

"Phil! You little-" Dan cut himself off as he heard Nicola laugh at him, Dan laughed and stood back up. They came over to where we were, and we were almost in shoulder deep water.

"See, it's nice." (Y/N) laughed, swimming further out.

"Hey! Wait up!" I yelled out to (Y/N) as she swam further out, she had been in many swimming races, and she did squad, so she was an excellent swimmer.

"You'll have to catch me!" She laughed, swimming faster. I laughed and started swimming after her, the others joining in. We laughed and just swam around for about twenty minutes, although it was cold here, it was really nice.

"Hey guys, you know the thing where someone is on top of someone's shoulders and the other team has to knock them over? We should play that!" Phil suggested excitedly. Everyone agreed and moved back to more shallow water, knee deep water.

"Who's first?" (Y/N) asked everyone as they teamed up.

"Tall people first!" Nicola laughed, looking at Dan, Phil and Chloe. They agreed, and Nicola got on Dan's shoulders, whilst Chloe got on Phil's. The rest of us made bets and cheered on.

"Go!" (Y/N) and I yelled in sync, the two pairs went up to each other, and Phil and Dan tried just baby slapping each other, whilst Chloe and Nicola were trying to push each other off. Nicola was losing until Dan moved to the side and Chloe fell forward. Luckily, Phil had quick reflexes, and had caught her bridal style, (Y/N) and Mady whistled at the two and Phil sat her down in the water. Nicola jumped off of Dan's shoulders and nailed the landing, everyone clapped. (Y/N) and I, and Mady and Jack were up next, Mady jumped on Jack's shoulders, and (Y/N) jumped on mine. She was fairly light, so I had good bets on who was going to win, AKA (Y/N) and I.

"Go!" Dan and Phil yelled to us, I looked at Jack, who didn't know what to do, so he just started to go and tickle me. I moved back, so he couldn't touch me.
"Careful Mark!" (Y/N) laughed, lightly ruffling my hair. I giggled and Jack took advantage (sinners). He tickled me and I started laughing. I lost my balance and fell over, (Y/N) falling with me.

"We won!" Jack laughed, leaning onto his knees to let Mady down.

"Why thank you, and yay!" Mady cheered, bowing to the group.

After getting back up, we swam into some shoulder deep water, enjoying the nice temperature of the water. We laughed for a while, just splashing and talking to each other, not before a massive wave knocked all eight of us off our feet. We resurfaced, I saw Dan screaming slightly and rubbing his eyes, Phil laughing at him, Nicola and Chloe were laughing and clutching their chests, they looked like they just had a heart attack! (Y/N) resurfaced next to me and Jack was scanning the ground. Eventually Mady jumped up behind Jack and scared him so much, he fell back into the water. We laughed at Jack and waited for him to resurface before deciding it was getting cold in the water. We all decided to race back to land.

"Okay, we should race back, but, we can only walk, or run, no swimming." Dan explained, we all knew it would take us ages to get there, so naturally, we agreed.

"Ready, set, go!" Dan yelled for us to start. We all slowly started to run, by slowly I mean I walk twice as fast as this.

"Swim and you're disqualified!" Dan said, eyeing everyone.

"Oops!" Nicola, Mady and (Y/N) said at the same time, swimming to land. They got their towels and started to dry them selves off.

"Have fun, we're getting changed in the most likely disgusting toilets!" Nicola laughed, the three girls walking away with their belongings.

"Oh, you guys, and Chloe, are so on!" Chloe laughed at my statement and began walking faster, Dan had given up.

"Too much exercise." He huffed, slowly swimming back.

"You were the one who mentioned it you dork!" Nicola laughed as he swam beside her, floating on his back.

"Awe, you know you love me." Dan said, making kissing faces.

"I will drown you." Nicola said, shoving Dan under the water for a second, until he quickly came back up.

"Oi!" Dan laughed, slightly nudging her.

"I said I would!" she laughed, we were now in knee deep water, easy enough to run in. I was so lost in my thoughts, I didn't realise Phil had won and we were out of the water. I snapped back into reality and went to the boys toilets to get changed. After getting changed, I waited for everyone else. Finally the trio walked out, and Dan, Phil, Jack and I walked back to the van. We opened the back door to see the three girls sleeping peacefully. We laughed and Dan and Phil sat with them, while Jack sat in the front with me. Jack offered to drive, because I was driving all the time, problem is he didn't know how to get back, so I stuck with driving.

After making our way home, I sighed, all that swimming had made me exhausted. I woke everyone up, as they had all fallen asleep, the back looked like 6 dead bodies without blood, I laughed and woke them one by one. We all walked into the house and ordered pizza, but someone was going to have to drive to collect it, as they only deliver a certain distance. Nicola and Dan decided they would, so they got some rest before leaving.


We had finished our pizza hours ago, and most of us were just on our phones, Dan and Nicola had fallen asleep on a singular chair, Chloe and Phil were talking about anything and everything, Jack and Mady were upstairs in their room watching a movie with some snacks, and (Y/N) and I were snuggling on the couch, re-watching the first season of RuPaul's Drag Race.


It was now 2 am, and soon enough, everyone had fallen asleep, the house was silent, yet I couldn't sleep, I kept admiring the small features on (Y/N)'s sleeping face.

Oh God, I am a creep

She was resting her head on my shoulder, my arm wrapped around her, I soon laid my head down on hers, and soon enough, fell asleep.

Every Fangirls Dream (Markiplier x Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें