Just A Casual Morning

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(Your POV)

I woke up to a loud thump, not even two metres from where I was sleeping.

"If it's a thief, take whatever you want, but quieten down!" I yelled, my scream muffled by the pillow my face was snuggled into.

"I wouldn't say that." a voice I recognised as Mark's, giggled at me. I giggled with him and rolled over to see Mark on the floor with one sock on and his boxers. I laughed at him and climbed out of bed, walking to our shared bathroom to shower.

As I was shaving my legs, I heard a knock at the door.

"You've been in there a while (Y/N), are you okay?" Mark asked, knocking on the door slightly. I giggled at his concern.

"Yeah! Just doin' ma legs!" I laughed, nearly slipping.

"Isn't that supposed to be done in the bath?" Mark asked, obviously confused.

"You don't have a bath!" I laughed, continuing on my legs. Mark laughed and walked away from the door, I assumed down stairs.

As I finished up my legs, I jumped out of the shower, and noticed I didn't miss a spot on my legs.

"Oh yeah!" I laughed, throwing on some black skinny jeans, and a grey Harry Potter shirt, which had the Hogwarts logo on the front, on the right top corner, and on the back, the same logo yet bigger. I loved this outfit, it just worked. I walked down stairs and grinned at some of other YouTubers there.

"Morning guys!" I smiled, waving slightly, I was just really happy this morning.

"Morning (Y/N)! Nice to see you this cheerful, considering you're not a morning person." Mady laughed at me. She was making bacon, eggs and toast with Chloe, which smelt amazing.

"So, plans for today?" I asked, sitting at the island, between Jack and Mark.

"I'll tell you later." Mark grinned, eating his bacon. Soon Mady and Chloe finished making the rest of breakfast and handed me a plate. I took it quickly and sped into the living room, where I turned on the TV. I switched it to YouTube TV and flicked through Felix's channel, searching for something interesting to watch.

"You sped right outta there, didn't you?" Mark asked, sitting next to me, I nodded and laughed, taking a bite out of my bacon. Mady and Chloe walked in next, Mady with an apple, and Chloe with a plate of bacon and eggs.

"Whoops?" I laughed, eating more bacon. Mark smiled and picked out a video, one of Dodie's videos. As we watched several Dodie videos, I ate my food, curious as to where the others were.

"Where is everyone?" I asked, standing up and stretching. Mark looked around the room, only Mady and Chloe were here as well.

"Uh, maybe upstairs," Mark replied, pointing to the staircase. I laughed and walked upstairs to find the others.

"Nicola! Dan!" I called out, walking near Nicola and Dan's room. After finding their room, I push open the door slowly and quietly peek around the corner. Nicola and Dan were snuggling up against each other, watching a movie. I giggled quietly and left the room, going to Chloe and Phil's room. Phil was on the bed, scrolling through something, crying silently.

"Hey Phil, what's wrong?" I asked, walking inside the room. Phil quickly looked up and noticed me, putting his phone down.

"Oh, it's nothing." Phil muttered, laying on his bed again.

"C'mon, I know something's wrong, people don't just cry for nothing." I said, walking over to where he was lying down, and rubbing his back in a reassuring way. He sighed and rolled over, facing me.

"It's Chloe." he mumbled, his eyes started to water again.

"Hey, did she hurt you? I'm sure she wouldn't, she's not like that!" I said, hugging him as he cried again.

"No, it's just my stupid feelings for her, and I know she likes some other famous guy." Phil muttered, looking around the room.

"Who?" I asked, my suspicion rising.

"She likes Josh Dun or whatever the fuck his name is." Phil said angrily, cursing meant he really was angry. I tried my best not giggle at him.

"Phil, did you ever have a crush on some big celebrity, but you actually just thought she was cute, but like, it wasn't a real crush?" I asked, looking at him. He mumbled what I assumed was a yes.

"That's what she has, she actually likes, you." I finished, smiling at him. His face lit up, and he grinned at me.

"Really?" he asked excitedly, jumping off his bed.

"Really, go talk to her." I smiled, lightly punching his shoulder, encouragingly. He smiled and thanked me, walking out of their shared room. I smiled happily, walking out of the room. I walked to Mady and Jack's room, expecting to find Jack in there, but as I opened the door slowly, I saw no one, just an empty bed and more furniture. I looked around the room and stepped in, now knowing for sure he wasn't here. I walked back out and knocked on the bathroom door, nothing. I checked the other two bathrooms, still nothing.

"Where on Earth is he?" I said aloud, walking back downstairs. Chloe was on her phone, and Mark was still watching TV, Phil was no where to be seen at the moment.

"Where did Mady go?" I asked, now sceptical of the two.

"She was on her phone when she suddenly looked up, and sprinted out of the house through the front door." Chloe explained, she said it as if it was a normal thing. I sighed and began thinking of possible answers.

"Have you seen Jack?" I asked, looking at the two. They shook their heads, I turned around and nearly ran into Phil.

"He's outside somewhere, I saw him walk out at around six am, good luck finding him though." Phil said, walking past me to sit next to Chloe. I grinned at him as Chloe gave him her full attention. I laughed and walked outside, ready to look for Jack and Mady. After ten minutes of walking, I saw them under a tree, just laying there, sleeping. I grinned and walked back inside, Mark was in the kitchen eating and scrolling through Twitter, Chloe and Phil were in the living room, snuggling together. I giggled and took a picture, posting it on Instagram. I walked back into my now shared room, and jumped on the bed, scrolling through Instagram and laughing at the comments on my newest post of Chloe and Phil.

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