Your Birthday pt.2

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(Dan's POV)

I awoke and looked around, everyone was asleep or outside to stretch their legs, to my left, Nicola was there. Peacefully sleeping on my shoulder. I blushed a bit. Yeah, I like Nicola. A lot. She's so funny, her laugh is contagious, her eyes sparkle in the sunlight, she has amazing long strawberry blonde hair, her personality is like mine, inappropriate, has dark humor, is mysterious almost, loves too make fun of her friends all the time. She's just...... Perfect. I truly do love her. But I don't think she likes me back. I silently sighed, upset about the thought of her not liking me.

"What's wrong, Dan?" Phil asked, concerned, dragging me back into reality.

"Can we talk about something?" I asked Phil, fiddling with my fingers nervously.

"Sure!" Phil replied, moving out of the way near the door.

"Thanks." I said, I gently laid Nicola down, I took Phil's hand and took him away from the car.

"I really like Nicola, but I don't think she likes me back, can you help me at all?" I asked shyly.

"You mean like, bring it up in a conversation? Or truth or dare?" Phil asked me.

"Yeah, something like that, thanks." I said, placing my hand on his shoulder.

"No problem Dan." Phil smiled warmly at me, telling me he wasn't lying.

"You're a great friend." I smiled.

"Has anyone seen Mady?" Jack asked. Everyone shook their heads as a no. Where would Mady be?

"I hope she's okay." Nicola said, standing rather close to me, I like personal space, but I enjoyed this, I'm not a pervert I swear.

"Mady?!" Jack yelled out, waiting for a reply. 

"Mady!?!" (Y/N) yelled out as well.

"Where is she!" Jack said, anger and worry mixed into his voice.

"She might be in the house, come on." I said, walking into the house with Nicola. We walked in to see Chloe in the kitchen eating, typical Chloe.

"Want any?" Chloe asked with pancake in her mouth.

"I'm good." Jack muttered.

"Come on Jack, I'll make a green one." Chloe offered.

"How? By pissing in it?" He laughed.

"How'd you know?" Chloe joked.

"Magic." Jack replied laughing.

"You wanna help? I'm making a massive dinner to thank Mark for taking us here." Nicola whispered.

"I'll help." Chloe said.

"Uh, me too!" I pipped up.

"Why not." Phil laughed.

"I'll keep Mark distracted." (Y/N) said, walking into the living room.

"In what way?" I joked.

"Dan!" Nicola laughed lightly punching me in the arm.

"Touch him you love him." Chloe laughed. Nicola then put on a creepy face and stroked my arm. We all cracked up laughing, as we both blushed at the same time.

(Mady's POV (Back in car ride))

I woke up half way through the car ride, and looked around out the windows.

I know this place.

Eventually we pulled over, Mark jumped out of the van and opened the door of the house, walking in to turn on some lights. I snuck out of the opened door and looked around. The house was on a hill, trees covering it completely, only the trail to the house visible from the bottom of the hill. I walked into the small jungle of trees and looked around. Trees. I don't know what I expected, but I kept walking, trying to see any resemblance to what I was looking for. I walked around some more, finally leaving behind the trees, leading to a small park. I grinned, knowing I'd found it, and walked over to the swings, sitting down. I closed my eyes, quickly falling asleep.

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