A House?

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(Dan's POV)

"So." Phil began as we sat on the couch, back in our creases.

"You really want to move in with Nicola and leave the crease?" Phil asked, laughing slightly.

"I'd trade anything for her, even the sofa crease." I laughed, Phil laughing as well. We laughed for a while, being in a giggly mood, until the door bell was rung. Phil and I turned to each other, but before either of us could get up, Chloe ran into our house, slamming the door behind her and jumping onto the couch.

"Hey fuckers!" she yelled, turning on the TV.

"Oh, uh, hey Chloe." I said, confused.

"What? Nicola and Mady were on the phone screaming about the baby, and if the baby screams that much I'm moving in a heartbeat." Chloe laughed, turning the TV up. Phil laughed, sitting up slightly.

"How the fuck does your TV work? How the fuck do I open Netflix?" Chloe asked, clicking random buttons on the remote.

"I'm just gonna leave." I said quietly, leaving my sofa crease and running to the door. I opened the door and sprinted out of the house, closing the door.

"Gotta go fast." I whispered to myself as I quickly walked to the door on the left of my shared apartment. As I was sort of running to the door, I slipped and hit my head on the floor.

"Fuck!" I yelled, still on the floor. I heard the door in front of me open. I looked up to see Nicola on the phone, laughing her head off.

"Is that Dan?" Mady asked through the phone.

"Y-Yes it is." Nicola said between laughs.

"Um, hi." I muttered awkwardly. Nicola laughed again and helped me up.

"Get inside you potato." Nicola said, still on the phone with Mady.

"Put me on speaker phone!" Mady said excitedly. Nicola did as she was told and sat the phone on the coffee table.

"So, you guys excited to start a family?" Mady asked, she adored children.

"I am, I don't know about Dan." Nicola said, looking up at me.

"Of course I am, it shocked me yeah, but I do want a child of my own." I said, leaning into the sofa.

"You guys do realise you'll have to buy a house, right?" Mady asked slowly.

"What? Why?" I asked, sitting forward.

"You can't raise a child in an apartment. You guys don't even have a spare bedroom. Nicola and Chloe have seperate rooms, as Chloe took the spare bedroom." Mady said.

"I uh, we won't have enough money." Nicola said, now scared.

"Nic, you have around eight months to sort this out. I know you can do this." Mady said encouragingly.

Nicola paused.

"Listen, Jack and I have a holiday house down near you guys, my parents gave it to me. You can live there for as long as you need, a year or two, or a decade or two, I don't mind."

My face lit up, I know I'll feel guilty for sixty-seven years because I borrowed someones house, but we could use this.

"You won't mind?" Nicola asked, unsure.

"If I would've minded it, I wouldn't have offered." Mady answered.

"Is that the soon to be parents?!" Jack asked, presumably from across the house.

"Yes Jack." Mady sighed, laughing slightly.

"I'm saying hi," Nicola and I waited until Jacks voice became clearer, "hi."

"Hey Jack!" Nicola laughed.

"Okay, now say goodbye Jack." Mady laughed.

"Fine, I do have a lot of work to do anyway, bye." Jack sighed, walking away.

"Anyway, when are you guys gonna move in? Are Chloe and Phil going to move out as well? They still have their jobs, right?" Mady blabbered on until I cut her off.

"I reckon they'll stay in an apartment, there's no need for them to leave, unless they just need some fresh air for once. They still have their jobs, they can probably afford a house, too. I have no idea when we're going to move out, if we are." I answered, shrugging. Nicola and I used to work at Game stop, but we were fired because our boss thought we were stealing, when we had bought the games, so we were fired. We haven't had a job since, as we were focused on YouTube. We have enough money to keep our apartment, just not enough to afford a whole house. 

"Take it, take it now or never, the house I mean." Mady said, waiting for a clear answer.

Nicola and I looked at each other, Nicola nodded and I smiled at her.

"We'll take it, send us the address and we'll start packing in a couple weeks, maybe." I said.

Mady yelled joyfully and hung up, sending us the address via text message.

"Well, I guess a new chapter of our lives starts now." I said, standing up.

"Let's go see what Chloe and Phil think of this." Nicola said, taking my hand and leading us next door.

We walked into the apartment next door and smiled as we saw Phil and Chloe sitting on the couch with popcorn.

"Oh, hey guys." Chloe said as she noticed us walk in, Phil waved at us.

"So, what have you guys been doing?" I asked, trying to make conversation.

"It's kind of obvious, we've just been watching Netflix and eating popcorn." Phil laughed.

"Yeah, well, Nicola and I have some news." I said, looking at the two.

"You're not having twins, are you?" Chloe sighed, looking at us. Nicola and I laughed a bit.

"No, but Dan and I are moving out. We're going to stay in Mady's holiday house for a while until we get proper Jobs and get enough for our own house. YouTube doesn't pay very well." Nicola said, smiling.

"Really?" Chloe asked.

"Yeah." I replied, laughing slightly.

"Well, what apartment can we live in, we'll ditch one to save money, or we can save for a house like those two." Phil said, more to Chloe than us.

"I reckon we'll stay in yours, and save for a house." Chloe said.

"Then it's settled!" I said smiling. Nicola and I sat next to Chloe and Phil and watched Netflix for the next few hours.

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