Just A Dream (Not in story line)

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(A few things I need to talk about in this chapter, it is a story chapter. It's not in the story timeline, this amazing, almost sad song inspired me for a sad-ish chapter, I'm sorry if the books cover keeps changing, or if it's blurry, it was fine when my friend made it, so yeah. I love this song so much, please listen to it, otherwise the chapter might not make sense. Enjoy! Ilya!)

(Mark's POV)

I woke up feeling snazzy, or even lucky today. Yeah, being single is kinda bad, but it has it's good parts too, for example: You can walk around the house naked and watch whatever you want, you can eat and play whatever you want! I mean it's great and all, but sometimes it gets a bit lonely here. I decided to go out for a walk today, for a change. It was six am. Yeah I wake up early, it was still a bit dark out, but I ignored that. I walked out from my apartment in a large black/dark blue jacket and long thick dark grey trousers. My phone was in my pocket on my right side of my jacket, my wallet in my left side. I was also wearing a fan-made beanie, because I love beanies. It was really busy traffic today, so I'm glad I walked. I walked for about half an hour until I could see all the other houses and shops, now that the sun was up pretty high. I walked into a small coffee shop. I decided to just sit down and think. I decided that was boring. I got up and walked out again, I walked down one of my favourite streets and sat down on a bench next to a woman who looked about the same age as myself. I decided to introduce my self:
"Hi, I'm Mark!" I said cheerfully. The girl turned around and smiled.

"Hi, I'm (Y/N)," She replied. We shook hands, then it got a bit awkward, the silence setting in.

"So, um... You play video games?" I asked.

"Hell yeah!" She smiled, excited. The awkward silence now gone. We talked for hours on end, pretty much just about video games and YouTube. I started to day dream about the future and stuff like that. Would I ever see her again? Would I be with her in the future? Would we be married with two kids? I don't know. No-one knows. But so far, she was the perfect woman, well, for me.

"Oh, here's my number," She said handing me a piece of paper.

"Where did you get that from?" I asked, very confused at the paper that came out of nowhere.

"I just have three pieces of paper in my bag, with my number on it,"She laughed, it was quite ridiculous.

"Interesting," I replied, laughing with her.

"You wanna go for a walk?" She asked me, kinda shyly.

"Sure!" I replied happily. We got up and decided to walk to Game Stop. We bought, about three games each. I had to put them in her bag, no, not a handbag, a backpack. She hates handbags. No idea why, but she just finds them to girly. She's not really a girly girl, more of a tom-boy. She enjoys gaming, food, friends, making fun of rom-coms all the time, or the Kardashians. She really is perfect for me, we both love the same games, movies, shows, even books. We then went to an ice cream shop.

"(F/F)," We both said in sync, we laughed.

"That was creepy," She said, looking a bit creeped out.

"Never had that happen to me before!" I said a bit creeped out as well. We yet again, sat on another bench near a pond. Today has been perfect. I've started to use perfect a lot now, because that's exactly what today has been, and what (Y/N) is. She's just amazing. We walked back to where we first met. We talked for a while until I felt my phone vibrate. I checked why it was vibrating. I had set an alarm for 6:15.

"WHY THE FRICK ARE YOU STILL OUTSIDE?" It said in all capitals. I forgot I set that alarm. I looked at her sadly, I had to leave to see other friends.

"Same time here tomorrow?" She asked, curious.

"Sure!" I replied cheerfully. I said goodbye to her and left for home.

(~The next day~)

I woke up at 8:23-ish and decided to call (Y/N), I had memorised her number walking home. I dialled the number and waited.

"This number does not exist, please try again," the automated voice rang out.

Umm, what?

I started to get confused for a minute. I dialled again. The same thing happened. I decided to just go out and see if she was at the bench. But I realized that the town looked HEAPS bigger and different from yesterday. It had different shops and houses, the shops were bigger or smaller or different colours than yesterday. Then I realized, it was just a dream.

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