The Panel

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(3rd person POV)

"Okay!" Mark said, happy to once again be on stage with his fellow YouTube friends.

"So, what's gonna happen is, I'm going to describe two people at the same time, you may know it's you, but you can't go on stage until your name is called out. Got it?" Mark asked all of the seven excited YouTubers.

"Got it!" they all remarked in sync.

"Okay, let's begin!" Mark said putting his microphone to his face, whilst everyone did the same.

"Hello, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome to the first 8 people panel!" Mark exclaimed, putting his hand up to the microphone so his voice would appear deeper.

"Might I say, catchy name!" he laughed, causing the audience to laugh.

"Okay! First up we have, a pair of people who have had way more embarrassing things happen to them then you have, then they share them on the internet to make you guys feel better about yourselves, It's Daniel Howell, and nicolaisafailure!" Mark introduced.

All the other YouTubers could hear the clapping and screaming for them as Nicola and Dan walked out from behind the curtains.

"Next up we one of the most innocent pair yet on YouTube, only, only on YouTube are they innocent, but they are alternativechloe and AmazingPhil!" Mark's voice boomed, making the audience scream and cheer again as Chloe and Phil walked out, waving to everyone.

"Next up, we have the pair that have the brightest hair color I've ever seen, and that everyone thinks would make a cute couple, oww,  just got elbowed in the rib cage by the girl who is surprisingly stronger then the boy. It's Madooken and Jacksepticeye!" Mark screamed again, as Mady and Jack walked out on stage, laughing and smiling.

"And last but not least at all, we have the only girl and boy who can have red, pink or blue hair and look serious as all hell, (Y/N) and Me, Mark!" Mark exclaimed, walking out with (Y/N), the shouts from the audience were mostly inaudible, apart from the 'Get married already for Christ's sake!'.

(Your POV)

"Okay, you're never usually nervous. Not the time to be now!" I mentally told myself as I sat down next to my friends.

"Ladies and gentlemen welcome to, the first unorganised 8 people panel!" Mark said waving to everyone as they all cheered, "okay the first thing that we're doing today is reading your tweets! So tweet want you now, and we will try to answer as many as we can!"

"Okay, first tweet is from: TweetsRLyfe, and they asked, 'Mark, who is your fav YouTuber here now?'" Mark asked.

"Umm, maybe... me! No I'm kidding, it's going to have to be (Y/N)." Mark said, winking at the end.

"Oooooh!" Mady and Jack yelled, laughing. Mark's face went as red as his old hair, I think mine did too. ('We put apples to shame!' - MarshieIsBae)

"Look everyone! Markimoo has a crush!" Mady and Jack laughed with the crowd.

"Sh-shutup!" Mark stuttered, which only caused the crowd to cheer even more.

"Moving on." I said absentmindedly.

"Fine, next is from, MadIsFab; and they said: 'Can Mady and Jack do cartwheels? I've never seen them do one!'" Phil announced.

"I can!" Jack said attempting a cartwheel but failing, and falling on his butt.

"You can what now?" Mady asked doing a cartwheel perfectly, blowing kisses at the audience.

"Never mind." Jack said whilst laughing, sitting down and Mady joining him.

"Try harder next time, sweetie." Mady joked, earning a laugh from the crowd, Jack blushed and giggled.

"Someone's got some sass tonight!" Chloe laughed at the pair.

"Okay, next tweet is from: Trashiplier, and they said; 'put your hand up if you ship (Y/S/N)!'" Dan and Nicola read aloud in sync. All the other YouTubers stuck their hands up in the air, soon after that, the whole crowd did.

"Really?" I laughed, annoyed.

"Really really." Phil grinned, quoting Shrek.

"Let's move on!" Mark said, trying to ignore the screams and cheers of the shippers in the crowd.

"To truth or dare!" Nicola and Dan yelled in sync.

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