Bananas Bananas!

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Noel: Did anyone know I never had a banana?


Noel: Nope!

Dare: Wow, you're weird!

Lima: Ew, I hate bananas!

Miss Aubrey: Me too!

Dare: Um, no one asked Lima and Aubrey, no one cares.

Lima: RUDE!

Miss Aubrey: Whatever Dare!

Dare: Um okay.

Rasa: Have you ever had a banana split though Noel?

Noel: No, I also never had anything banana related.

Rasa: Whuuutt??!

Winter: My sister is weird, I apologize.

Mo: Yeah, she really is.

Noel: Oh please Mo! You don't even like me!

Mo: I never said that I hated you, you just annoy me sometimes.

Noel: Since when?

Mo: You pranking me.

Noel: Hey, Lima does the same thing too.

Mo: Let's just move on!

Rasa: We have a meeting in 15 minutes so I recommend you get off your phones and come to headquarters now!

Winter: That's just great!

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