Planning Glitch Pranks

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Winter: Hey, wanna prank Glitch?

Static: BOI! I've been wanting to do that for like forever!!

Winter: 😂😂😂😂😂

Static: What shall we do?

Winter: I wanna buy another parrot!!

Static: NO! I'm not having us sign all that paperwork!!! I'm surprised we didn't last time!!

Winter: Yeah, Rasa and Lima were probably too tired to do so. Tobi didn't even care, he thought it was funny!

Static: How about if we have Lil'T sleep with him. 

Winter: Okay.. Be more specific.

Static: How about I replace myself with Lil'T. 

Winter: Or we can turn on a vacuum and leave it there.

Static: Nah, let's have Lil'T sleep with him instead of me. It's gonna be funny, I promise!

Winter: Okay we can do it.

Static: Let's do it tonight! You and I are having another sleepover!

Winter: Okay cool! Let's let T know about this prank and she if she's up for it!

Static: T!! Where you at!!

Lil'T: I'm right here! Wassup!!

Winter: We're having you sleep with Glitch!

Lil'T: Huh?

Static: Okay, I'm gonna replace myself with you to sleep with Glitch. You up for it?

Lil'T: Okay....I'm nervous though.

Static: This will be funny!! I promise!!!

Lil'T: Okay, I guess I'm up.

Winter: Hehe YAY!!

-Wassup is Winter! Rasa let me have a short break so in updating this before I get back to dancing. It's been a while since I've updated this book!!! Ok see ya!

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