After Dance

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Glitch: So how did it go?

Winter: It was tough. Rasa made me stay extra hours working on the dance because he expected it to be perfect.

Glitch: Psh! Oh wow!

Winter: I know right!

Glitch: Aren't you happy that's over?

Winter: Yes!

Glitch: Man, I'm so tired from those push-ups! I've been like this the entire day!

Winter: I'm not even good at push-ups!!

Glitch: You actually are! Better than Noel!

Winter: I would have to agree on the "Better than Noel" part. OMG! Noel can't even do one push up and she can't even run! When she tried running from Mo, she nearly passed out and Static ended up taking her to her crew room.

Glitch: She a lazy bum!

Winter: I know right! Btw, I'm gonna go to bed now. I'm SOOO tired.

Glitch: Ok g'night!

Winter: See ya!✌🏻️.

- Hi it's Noel again! Winter is really tired from rehearsals so she went to sleep pretty early. I know we said we were going to update this Chatroom a lot today but we didn't because of too much training today. I'm about to watch a movie with Aubrey and Taye and peace!

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