Pranking Again

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Glitch: G'morning

Angel: Buenos Dìas!

Lil'T: Hey! So how was last night?

Glitch: Pretty successful!

Static: Uh, I don't think it was successful. When you prank Rasa and Lima, it is never successful! You always get in trouble.

Lima: GLITCH!! I swear you drew that mustache on my face!!!😡😡😡

Static: See, I told you!

Rasa: You made me look ridiculous! How am I suppose to meet up with everyone else looking like this?

Mo: No worries, it's a washable marker!

Glitch: Mo's right, the marker is washable. I would never draw on your faces with a permanent marker.

Rasa: Well, good to know.

Lima: I guess your punishment will be 50 MAN PUSH-UPS as soon as we get to headquarters!

Angel: Who?

Lima: You, Mo, Glitch, Winter, and Static!

Winter: How did she know we all did it?

Mo: She possibly heard our voices.

Lima: YUP! That's right!

Angel: Okay then.

Lima: Enough talk. Get ready for DCI!

- Hey! It's Winter here! Noel is still asleep so I would like to make an announcement or two. We will be active most of the day today like yesterday. We just won't be active this. morning because we have a lot of training to do. Rasa and Lima put so much pressure on us!! Tobi does too!! Well, I gotta get to headquarters and start on those push ups and see ya!

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