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Noel: Guys, guess what I found out about Vanessa, Rasa's crush.

Static: What?

Rasa: Oh my god! I'm out, bye!

Mo: Tell us!

Noel: Turns out, Vanessa is a porn star! Rasa, you don't like porn stars! You need to find another girl!

Rasa: Porn star? Ha! That's a lie!😂😂😂 You know how to make me laugh.

Noel: Rasa, I'm serious! She is a porn star!

Rasa: Got any porn movies?

Noel: What? No! I just looked her up on tinder!

Rasa: You were on that stupid website again?

Noel: Yup!

Rasa: Well, I'll come right over to your crew room to see if you're being honest with me.

Winter: Oh wow Rasa!

Noel: Ok, but please hurry. I'm taking Mo to the mall and on his nail appointment in a bit.

Rasa: Wait? Mo? Mall? Nail appointment? 😂😂😂😂😂

Mo: She does this to me all the time! Rasa, tell her to stop.

Rasa: Ok.

Noel: I'm still doing it, even if you tell me to stop.

Rasa: Whatever, let's just see this information you're looking up about Vanessa.

Mo: Wha-what?

Hey guys it's Noel! It's been so long since we've updated! Winter and I started school and it's been busy for us. Also, this chat is from yesterday. We'll update this as much as possible so bye! I'm gonna go watch Brooklyn sing!

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