About the girl

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Winter: OMG! What's the girl's name?

Static: What girl?

Winter: The one Rasa was sleeping with?

Static: I forgot. Let's ask him, Tobi, or Lima.

Winter: Hey Rasa, what is the name of that girl you were sleeping with?

Rasa: I don't know. She just came in and slept with me. I found her in my bed randomly.

Winter: Tobi? Lima? Do you guys know?

Lima: No.

Tobi: Wait, I think her name was Cassandra.

Winter: 😂😂😂 I can't see Rasa dating a Cassandra!

Static: Me neither! Well, Rasa better hit up on another girl tonight.

Rasa: Static, your still on my sh!t list  not just for running off with my lemon heads but for making me hit up on girls on tinder and I don't even know them!

Static: That was Winter's idea!


Static: It's true.

Rasa: Winter, get Noel in here so you guys can practice your dance with Lima.

Winter: Noel!!

- Wassup, it's Winter! This was a chat from earlier today. I just forgot to upload it because we were dancing and boy, we were so tired! We're gonna teach the other crews this tomorrow! So exciting!!! Ok, I'll be on the q and a book if anyone has asked questions because Noel and I wanna be more active on it. So ask us anything! Don't be shy! Also, you can ask more than one question. See ya!

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