New Routines

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Noel: Hey!

Winter: Hi!

Static: Wassup!

Angel: So how did learning your routines go?

Static: Awesome!

Noel: Great!

Winter: I just got a new song to dance to!

Lil'T: OMG!! What song?

Winter: "One Dance" by Drake. Rasa is letting me teach the dance to the new agents that are coming in tomorrow!

Glitch: No fair! I wish I did something like that!

Winter: Well if you never drew a mustache on Rasa and Lima, then you would get that chance.

Rasa: Glitch, you're now on my bad side.

Static: I know what you call your bad side Rasa!

Rasa: Okay enough talk! I need Winter at headquarters! Immediately!

Winter: Ok I gotta go now!

Static: Hey, wanna catch a movie later?

Winter: Another one? Yeah sure! We can figure out what movie when I'm done dancing.

Static: Okay. Buh-bye!⚡️

Winter: See ya!✌🏻️

-Hey guys it's Noel! Winter is at rehearsal right now so I'll be giving some announcements. It is true that we are having new agents. They will be coming tomorrow and I'm so excited! Okay so we have a few more hours of DCI stuff and then we'll be back. Bye!

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