Owner in chatroom

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Noel: Everyone! We have a new person coming into our chatroom!

Everyone: Who?

Noel: My owner DCPOODLEXX!! Call her Alyssa.

Alyssa: Hello my friends! It's been a while!

Emilia: my my yes it has!

Rasa: Well, welcome to the DCI chatroom where we just talk about random things.

Static: Which reminds me, what should we talk about today? Alyssa, since you're new in this chatroom, got any ideas?

Alyssa: I don't know. How about DC fan art!

Bodie: sounds lit!

Glitch: I love the fan art fans make for us. The only thing I don't like is when there are gay pictures of us. It's more of the boys than the girls.

Taye: BOI! The girls rarely get the gay fan art!

Aubrey: you mean lesbian right?

Taye: Oh yeah!

Alyssa: Wow, you're so dumb Taye!

Taye: Well, that wasn't very nice! Take that back!

Alyssa: Okay okay I will!! Even though I'm straight, I came across some Bodie and Rasa fan art and it's pretty interesting.

Bodie: Hold up, some one ships me and Rasa? That's weird!

Rasa: I've been shipped with Bodie and Angel. I don't mind, as long as they're not disturbing.

Alyssa: I also came across some Angel and Rasa ones! Even a story!

Angel: What's it about?

Alyssa: So you and Rasa go on a date because I think Lima forced Rasa to the movies and in the middle of the movie, you guys do the dirty in the theater. That's all I remember.

Rasa: Yeah, that's pretty disturbing and Lima will force you to do anything and if you don't do it, you don't want to know how she'll react. It's crazy!

Alyssa: I think Bodie and Rasa would be better than Angel and Rasa.

Noel: I disagree.

Alyssa: Right, because you're dating Bodie!

Noel: Mhm

Aubrey: No lie, Bodie and Rasa are pretty cute together. I'm straight though, lol.

Alyssa: I am too. I used to be bi-sexual.

Everyone else: What?!

Alyssa: Yes.

Winter: What girl did you have a crush on?

Alyssa: Perrie Edwards, a Little Mix band member.

Mo: Damn, you a lesbo!!

Alyssa: Shut up Mo! I said it before and I'm saying it again! I'm straight and I have a crush on boys!

Mo: Oh.

Alyssa: Guys, I should get to my homework. I'll talk to you guys soon!

Everyone: Okay bye!

-Wassup it's Winter! So I decided to invite my owner to our chatroom and it was a lot of fun doing so! I will try to update this book as much as I can! I am really busy because in DCI, we are preparing for a mission. It doesn't have anything to do with Tan though thank god! I gotta go now! See ya!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2016 ⏰

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