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Kamri: Hey Winnifred!

Brooklyn: Hi Winnie!

Caden: Hi

Carolinà: Hola!

Winter: Kamri and Brooklyn, don't call me those names.

Kamri: Isn't Winnifred your name though?

Winter: My real name, but I don't really like anyone calling me that. Just call me Winter.

Kamri: Okay I'm sorry.

Winter: It's fine, so what's up?

Carolinà: Kamri and I are going to the movies tonight. Wanna come?

Winter: I can't, Static invited me to go to the mall with her.

Carolinà: That's fine. Another time?

Winter: Absolutely!

Kamri: Well, Mo and Glitch are calling me. Gtg bye!

Winter: Bye Kamri!

Carolinà: It was nice talking to you Winter, I gotta see what Angel is up to, bye!

Brooklyn: I gotta hit up some waves with Riptide, bye!

Winter: Okay bye you guys!

Caden: I'll stay and talk to you.

Winter: Okay.

Caden: So how old are you?

Winter: 18.

Caden: Same, wanna go out sometime?

Winter: Sure, but I gtg because Noel wants me to meet her for practice.

Caden: Well, that was short. Okay bye! Luv you! 😘😘😘

Winter: BOI!! I just met you!!!

-Wassup guys, it's Winter. I was just taking over this account, but then Noel told me I had to meet her at practice. UUUGGGHHH!! Then Static and I are gonna go to the mall! That's the fun part of today! That's enough of me talking, see ya!!

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