Taco Night

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Rasa: Hey guys, dinner will be ready in 15 minutes!

Emilia: Okay!

Dare: What are we having?

Rasa: Tacos!


Winter: Yay.

Taye: Well, you ain't that happy Winter.

Winter: I don't like tacos, that's why.

Taye: SAY WHAT!😳

Tobi: Well, you can just starve to death!


Tobi: What does that suppose to mean?

Lil'T: ..........

Winter: What else is there besides tacos Rasa?

Rasa: Um, Chicken Caesar salad.

Winter: I'd rather have that than tacos. And Tobi, I'm not starving myself to death!

Tobi: Whatever man.

Winter: Man? I'M A GIRL!! A WOMAN!!

Tobi: Sheesh, calm down!

Winter: Okay.

Noel: Dude, stop calling girls man or bro!

Maccoy: Yeah Tobi!

Lima: Hey, don't insult my boyfriend for what he does! That's mean! How would you feel if I insulted Bodie? I'm talking to you Noel!

Noel: No comment.

- Okay guys, we have a few more convos Noel and I are going to put up, but first we are having tacos and then going on a run. So bye!

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