Pranking again

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Noel: Hey guys!

Mo: I can't believe you made me wear a dress Noel!!!

Noel: I thought that was funny okay? XD!

Winter: Oh boy...

Angel: Wanna prank Rasa and Lima?

Mo: No! It's bad enough the younger agents have and Rasa and Lima were not happy!

Glitch: Try it! It's so funny!!!

Angel: Well, I'm up for it!

Bodie: Same!

Emilia: I'm down!

Aubrey: No thanks! They're my friends and I'm not gonna make them mad.

Taye: I'll give it a shot.

Lil'T: To all those that wanna prank Rasa and Lima, good luck. They'll easily find out you played the prank on them and they'll know what you did.

Noel: I hope they aren't reading this.

Lima: Oh hell yeah I am! No pranks!! Please!! I need sleep!!!!

Noel: Hi best frand!!!

Lima: Hi, what are they up to Noel?

Noel: I don't know.

To be continued.....-Winter✌🏻️

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